You Can't Control Me!

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Hi everyone!

I thought i would do one where you and erik have a argument and kt leads to a sort of break up!

Hope you all enjoy!


You stand in the darkness of the underground lair of the love of your life, Erik. His piercing gaze locks onto you, filled with a mixture of anger and frustration. You know you should be afraid, but instead, you feel a surge of defiance welling up inside you.

"Erik, you have no right to tell me who I can and cannot talk to!" you say with a anger present in your voice. Erik's hand tightens around the mask that covers his disfigured face. Erik then spoke. "I thought we had an understanding. I thought you were mine, and mine alone." You shake your head, feeling a surge of frustration. "I love you very much, Erik. I really do. But that doesn't mean I can cut ties with everyone from my past. Albert is my friend, and he always has been. I won't let you dictate who I can and cannot talk to just because we are together."

Erik's eyes narrow, and he takes a step towards you. "I gave you everything. I've shown you a world of music and beauty that you could never have imagined. And this is how you repay me? By clinging onto some childhood friend?" You feel your temper flare. "You can't control me, Erik! I'm not some possession for you to command over. I have my own life, my own friends, and I won't let you take that away from matter how much i love you!"

For a moment, there is a tense silence that hangs in the air. You can practically see the rage and hurt coming from Erik's figure. You know you've struck a nerve, but you refuse to back down. Finally, Erik speaks, his voice low and filled with anger and desperation. "If you continue to talk to this....Albert, then perhaps you don't belong here with me. Perhaps you should go back to your old life and leave me to my solitude." You feel guilt wash over you when you heard his words, but you pushed it aside. "So that's it then?....You're just going to push me away because I won't bend to your will? That's not fair, Erik. I love you, i care for you, however I refuse be controlled by you....or anyone else for that matter!"

Erik turns away from you, his shoulders tense with anger and hurt. "I need some time to think....i suggest that you leave y/n...before things...get worse." he mutters, his voice barely above a whisper. You watch as he disappears into the shadows, feeling a mix of anger, guilt, and sadness raging inside you. You know that Erik has been hurt in the past, and his actions are a result of that pain. But you can't let his insecurities dictate your life. You know the situation with his mother, but it seems like Erik just can't understand that you won't abandon him.

As you stand in the darkness, you feel doubt creeping into your mind. Was standing up to Erik the right move? Will he ever be able to accept that you have a life outside of him? Deep down, you know that you couldn't have done anything differently. You refuse to be controlled by anyone, even if it's the brilliant and tormented love of your life. You may love and adore him, but you won't sacrifice your own happiness and freedom for his possessiveness. With a heavy sigh, you turn and make your way out of the underground lair, unsure of what the future holds for you and Erik. But one thing is certain - you won't let anyone dictate who you can and cannot talk to, not even the Phantom himself.

Days turned into weeks, and still, you found yourself torn between your loyalty to Erik and your desire to maintain a connection to Albert. It was a constant battle, and you couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at you every time you spoke to your Albert.

Finally, you made your decision. You returned to the underground lair, heart heavy but resolved. You looked Erik in the eyes and told him that you couldn't cut ties with Albert. His reaction was instant and unforgiving. He looked at you, his eyes filled with anger as he said. "your decision is a betrayal of my trust and i can no longer have you in my world. I gave you everything y/n. I gave you my music, my love and i have even made you the most beloved prima-Donna in all of Paris. Yet...after all can't give me anything in return...not even this one thing. I hope you don't live to regret you choice in the future. NOW LEAVE AND NEVER RETURN!"

As the reality of his words sunk in, you felt a deep ache in your chest. You had lost Erik, the love of your life, and the allure of his world, but you had also chosen to hold onto Albert and he has been there for you from the beginning. It was a bittersweet moment for you, and as you walked away, you knew that a part of you would always long for the man that had once captivated your heart with his music and love, gave it up.

There will be nobody like Erik.....yet...maybe that's a good thing.


Hope you all enjoyed!

Leave any requests if you have them.


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