The Preformance

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This is like where you meet the phantom!

Your basically christine because i couldn't think of any other way lol.

Sorry if this isn't very good!

This is a female reader.

I hope you enjoy!

Y/n = your name
L/n = last name
M/n = mother's name


Today was a big day, one of the final rehearsal days to show off all of the hard work you have put in. You and your fellow ballerinas have been practicing for this for a long time and know, you were just hoping that you don't mess it up. You let out a nervous sigh as you got into your first position. You then felt a hand on your shoulder, you looked over and saw meg giry, one of your friends. "hey....your going to do great!" she said. You just smiled and nodded. She removed her had and then got into her first position. Then entered Carlotta or the primadonna as she prefers to be called. That stuck-up, horrible woman. She always has to be the star. You wish you could be the star, even for a moment. Then again, you were worried about this preformance now so maybe stardom can wait until you are more trained up. Carlotta then begin to sing, time to do this thing.

For half of the dance went really well. You didn't mess up any of the steps and for the first time since you have been in the opera. You actually felt confident in yourself. Everything was perfect until the lights started to flicker rapidly. Everyone began to scream and run around the stage while you just stood there in confusion. Meg then yelled out. "HE'S HERE! THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!" you just stood there dumbfounded. The new owners, firmin and andre came onto the stage and firmin questioned. "what is going on?" "the phantom of the opera! He is here sir!" meg exclaimed. "oh this is ridiculous! The lights can flicker! These things do happen after all!" andre said. Carlotta run up to the two men and yelled. "Yes these things do happen! BUT NOT LIKE THIS!" Carlotta then ran off crying up the stairs and off the stage. "oh dear! What are we going to do now! Who shall sing for us in the opera!" firman said placing a hand on his for head. Everyone was silent until meg said. "y/n l/n can sing sir. I believe she would do a wonderful job." you darted a look at meg, one that said 'what do you think you doing!?' meg just smiled. You then saw Madame giry walk onto the stage and stood next to the owners. Firman removed his had from his head, he looked at you and asked." l/n you say, i recognise that name. Do you habe any relation to the cello player, M/n l/n?"
"y-yes...she was my mother sir." you answered nervously. Firman let out a spectacle sigh. Madame giry then spoke up. "let her sing monsieur. I can assure you that her voice is nothing short of remarkable." you smiled at the compliment. Firman looked back at andre who gave him a smile. "very well, you will have exactly four days to learn the song miss l/n. Do not let us down." firman said. You nodded. Both firman and andre left the stage, Madame giry nodded at you before exiting the stage also. Well it seems like stardom can't wait.

Today is the big day, preformance day! You were waiting behind the curtains, getting ready to go on and preform the song 'think of me' to thousands of people who have came from all across Paris to see this one song, they will be watching your every moment and silently judging you but hey...Madame giry said your voice is remarkable so..... what is there to worry about. The curtains then opened and the stage lit up. You took a deep breath and then began to sing. Each note that came out of your mouth sounded like pure heaven and the way you moved around the stage was truly mesmerising. Once you had finished the song you took a bow while the audience gave you a round of applause. You were grinning from ear to ear when you exited the stage than went to your dressing room.

Once there you sat down in the chair and looked at yourself in the small mirror that was on the desk in front of you. You smiled. Then all of a sudden you could her a voice talking to you. "brava, brava, brava." 'what the heck?' you thought. "y/n...y/n!" you snapped out of your thought and looked over to see meg. She rushed over and grabbed your hand. "y/n your performance was amazing! where did you learn to sing like that?" she asked. "oh..i just...learnt over the years." you said with a little giggle. "well i say we celebrate. We can go out for dinner and i can invite raoul. Do you remember him?" meg asked. "raoul! Of course i remember him but...i don't want to see him....i mean i haven't seen him in years." you responded. "come on y/n! You need to celebrate! I'll grab raoul and we can go!" you tired to protest but Meg had already left. "things have changed meg!" you call out to her. You sighed. No getting out of this now. You sat there and placed your head in you hands. The voice then spoke again. "wandering child, so lost, so helpless. Yearning for my guidance." you removed your head from your hands and stood up from you chair. "i can hear you speak, i listen, but Monsieur, you are frightening me. I must tell you that you're voice sounds rather soothing to me. It's....heavenly." you said. The voice then began to speak again. "flattering child, you shall know me. See why in shadow i hide." you ran over to the very large mirror that was in the wall and looked at it. The voice then continued. "look at your face in the mirror, i am there inside." a face then appeared in the mirror. It was a mans face. He was wearing a mask on one side of his face. 'am i dreaming right now?' you thought. The mirror then opened and the man was standing there. He reached his hand out and said. "i am your angel of music. Come to me." you hesitated for a moment, but then took a deep breath and grabbed his hand. He pulled you into the mirror and it closed behind you. The 'angel of music' the began to lead you down this path. It was dark and narrow. In the distance you could hear Meg yell. "y/n!?"

You were still in shock. A couple of minutes ago you were singing on a opera stage and now you are following this men down a dark path. "i apologise for these narrow passageway my dear, i hope you not too uncomfortable." the angel of music said. You didn't respond, you just thought one thought. 'why dose his speaking voice sound extremely attractive?' you both reached the end of the passageway and there was a huge lake with a boat. The man hopped onto the boat first then reached for you hand, you took it and sat down in front of him. The boat began to move across the lake and you just started in awe at the place. There were candles everywhere and surprisingly, the lakes water was clean and even sparkled. "i would just like to say my dear." the man began to speak and you turned around to look at him. "your performance was quite amazing. I haven't heard a voice so incredible as yours. You really are talented Chéri." you giggled in response. "thank you Monsieur." you say. "may i ask....who are you?" you asked while tilting your head slightly. "my name is not important my dear. Besides you probably know me as a different name that to Madame giry's daughter." the man spoke. "wait....are you the....phantom on the opera?"you asked nervously. "that's what they call me my dear." the phantom. responded. You backed away slightly. The phantom noticed this and said. "oh no my dear, do not worry, i wish to cause you no harm. I simply want you to be my new Muse. I wish to teach you, to guide you, i will show you how much you mean to me." for some reason this made the feel calm. You felt like you could trust him, even though you met him five minutes ago. You moved closer to him and said. "i would be honoured to be your muse. I am y/n." you said. The phantom let out a low chuckle then said. "trust me my dear, i know."


This is so bad i apologise.

Hope you have enjoyed it.

If you have any requests please leave them for me and i will do them as soon as I can.

Sorry for any spelling errors.


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