Chapter 27

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I was basking in some well-deserved relaxation on the sofa when the sound of breaking glass pierced the tranquility, immediately grabbing my attention.

Concerned, I made my way to Dew's art room to check on him.

To my surprise, he continued working on his latest painting, seemingly ignoring the fact that his hand was stained with blood.

"Dew, what the hell?" I exclaimed. "You're wounded - can't you see?"

Dew responded nonchalantly, finally acknowledging his injury with a casual, "Oh yeah.. I forgot.."

A mixture of confusion and concern washed over me as I moved closer to Dew.

"Are you okay? Do you feel unwell?" I inquired.

"Win, don't worry about me. I'm fine."Dew's respond seemingly unfazed.

His smile offered some reassurance, but I still felt unsure.

I turned away to gather supplies to tend to his wound, hoping to ease any discomfort he might be experiencing.

I carefully tended to Dew's wound, cleaning it before applying a plaster.

A sense of unease lingered as I voiced my plea, "Please, Dew, tell me the truth."

He dismissed my concern with a reassuring response, "I'm truly fine, don't worry about me, darlin."

Doubt gnawed at me, prompting me to retreat to gather my thoughts.

This wasn't the first time Dew had acted oddly, each time he immersed himself in his art room, he suddenly acts differently.

I shared my concern with my friends, expressing my conviction, "Guys, this isn't normal, believe me."

"Perhaps he's just stressed about something." Phuwin offered a casual explanation.

I firmly disagreed, asserting, "I don't think so. If it was stress, he would confide in me - we're close enough."

"I have an idea." Dunk interjected with an idea.

My curiosity piqued, my eyes brightened with anticipation.

"Make him drunk. Drunk people never lie."

I shot Dunk a playful smack.

"Make him drunk my ass. I'm not that kind of person."

Our conversation was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of the gang.
Joong's voice rang out,

"Should I get you something, babeeeeeeeeeee??" He was looking directly at Dunk, but then he froze.

"BABE?!" A collective exclamation echoed from our group

Joong hastily apologized. "Sorry, It slipped out, Dunk!"

"When did you start dating?" Chimon expressed bewilderment.

Joong responded sheepishly, "Uh.. Two days ago."

I couldn't help but probe, "So, after the Chiang Mai accident?"

"Yes.." Joong confirmed.

I put my hands in my hips. "Damn."

Pond posed the question, "So, you're not mad that he's the reason you broke up with your girlfriend?"

Joong addressed the misunderstanding, clarifying with a hint of sadness, "It was a misunderstanding. My girlfriend, who was his close friend, realized she had feelings for girls, and that's why she broke up with me."

A glance at Dunk prompted me to say, "I thought you hated him.
Dunk responded with a decisive tone,
"I did. But that's changed. We're dating now."

Perth suddenly switched the topics of  the conversation, inquiring, "Win, where is Dew?"

"He mentioned not feeling well, so he missed school today." I replied.

The Shadows exchanged skeptical glances in my direction.

Pond added, "Dew told us about his grandma's funeral, though."

I grew serious as doubts surfaced. Could Dew be lying again?

"No, there's not chance Dew is lying to me, his boyfriend."

The Shadows just shrugged their shoulders.

Weariness settled in as I entered the mansion and made my way to the bedroom. There, I found Dew lying, appearing sickly.

A gentle touch on his forehead preceded my query, "Are you okay? Do you feel comfortable?"

He responded with a faint smile, "The servants are tending to me, but thank you for worrying."

"But I am your servant as well, and I will take care of you."  I declared earnestly.

As I prepared medicines and other cooling items to soothe him, I broached the topic of his supposed absence,

"Dew, your friends said you were attending your grandma's funeral today..."

He nodded his agreement, "That's true, but I've been feeling poorly."

I sought clarification, "So, that's the reason you've been acting strange, correct?"

Dew responded with a soft pat on my head, "Yep, you're correct, darlin. Once I'm feeling better, I'll pay my respects at her grave."

He then urged me, "Now, stop worrying about me and focus on taking care of yourself." I complied obediently.

I was overthinking too much. Dew, he's my boyfriend after all.

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