Chapter 23

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Dew appeared engrossed in his tablet, sketching intently. Undeterred, I posed my question.


He merely responded, "Hm?"
"Who is Fourth Nattawat?" I asked.

His expression shifted to surprise as he met my gaze, his response laced with irritation. "What the hell did you just say?"

I stood my ground, calmly repeating my question, "I clearly asked you, who is Fourth Nattawat?" I continued, "What kind of person I he?"

His agitation escalated, and he swiftly reclaimed his phone from my grip.

"None of your business," he snapped, then he angrily stormed away from my presence.

Now, I want to know about the Fourth guy more than I did.

I secretly slipped out of the mansion, joining my friends for a meal at a newly opened restaurant.

"Win, this is out of the ordinary. Why have we all come here?" Phuwin asked, expressing surprise.
"For real." Dunk commented Phuwin's curiosity.

I took a deep breath before sharing my plan.

"I want to try something..." I began, piquing their interest.

"Well, consider this. The first day of the mid-term break is tomorrow. What if we all venture far away from our partners to see how much they care?"

Dunk gave me a side-eye. "Lovers?" He asked.

"Our lovers, not your, okay?"
Chimon and Phuwin exchanged skeptical glances, while Dunk remained indifferent.

"Why on earth are you suggesting something like this?" Chimon inquired.

"I want to test whether Dew really cares about me," I confessed.

Dunk, somewhat intrigued but still skeptical, offered a non-committal response. "This is a bit odd, but no comment."

"Why are you involving us? Go alone if you want to." Phuwin proposed.

I responded urgently, "I'm scared to go alone! Please, my friends, let's go together!"

The three of them shared looks, then they all at the same time, replied:


"Thank you, my best best friends!!"

After enjoying a delicious meal, we also indulged in ice cream and more together, and I eventually returned home at a late hour.

Expecting everyone to be asleep, I quietly entered through a secondary door, which was far away from the main entrance door to avoid notice.

As I entered through the second door, anticipating the quiet solitude of an empty home.

I was caught off guard by the unexpected sight of Dew sitting on the couch, his piercing gaze fixed directly on me.

The intensity in his eyes was palpable, and his demeanor exuded a coldness that sent shivers down my spine.

Taking a step forward, I attempted to fill the awkward silence with a hesitant, "Uh, hi."

However, his stony expression remained unchanged, and the air between us crackled with an electric tension.

His cold demeanor intensified as he asked, "Where in the hell were you?"

I knew lying wouldn't serve me in this moment, so I chose to tell the truth.

"Uh...I went out with my friends," I said, my gaze avoiding his intense stare.

As he approached, his touch on my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze.

"You're aware that I could expose your truth to my parents if I wanted," Dew stated, his tone laced with a veiled threat. "Your life could be destroyed, just by telling few words."

Alarm bells rang in my mind.

I didn't know Dew could act like this.

I didn't know someone like Dew could act like this.

"Dew.. Please don't.."        

Then, his sudden shift left me stunned.

He hugged me in a warm embrace, declaring his worry and affection.

"Oh pleaseeeee, My darlingg, don't ever leave me like this again!!" He implored, clinging tightly to me. "I was worried.."

His words caught me off guard. I had prepared myself for anger, but his concern caught me off guard.

"I'm...sorry, Dew," I apologized sincerely.

With a gentle smile, he replied, "It's okay. Let's go to our bedroom," and he tenderly took my hand. "Wait let me help you."

He took my bags from me, gently guiding me towards the bedroom.

We entered the bedroom, and I wanted to change into more comfortable clothing.

"Dew, get out, I need to change.*"turned to Dew and firmly told him,

"Huh, Why should I?" He seemed to be taken aback by my request.
"Because I don't want you to see me," I replied.

With a smirk, he responded:

"Darling, I've seen every inch of you. There's no need for me to leave." His words made me blush.

Without wasting any time, I headed to the bathroom to change clothes.
When I returned, I found Dew already in bed, patiently waiting for me.

Feeling a mix of emotions, I let out a small chuckle and joined him in bed, snuggling up close.

"I'm sorry for getting angry at you earlier." Dew expressed him remorse.

I responded softly, "I guess it's fine..."

He continued, "To tell you the truth, Fourth is my childhood best friend. We've known each other since birth, and he's like a brother to me."

,"Oh, I didn't know." A surprised look crossed my face as I replied.

Dew replied matter-of-factly, "Well, now you do."

Yes, he might told me the truth about Fourth, but he still didn't told me the truth about Joong saving us last night.

Because I indeed know, that it was Fourth.

Impossible Affection [DewWin]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora