Part 22

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Me and Win were enjoying a peaceful nighttime stroll when, swiftly, we were confronted by a rowdy gang, armed with weapons. Caught off guard, we had little time to react.

One of the assailants struck Win, causing him to lose balance and fall to the ground.

"Damn it!" He cursed in frustration.
"Win, are you okay?" I asked, concern evident in my voice.
"I'm alright," He replied, trying to compose himself.

Despite his best efforts to defend us, I struggled against the gang's superior numbers. Left vulnerable, Win attempted to stand.

While I fought back against our attackers, I glanced over and saw Win slowly rising to his feet.

"Win, run! I'll take care of them!" I urged, but Win was reluctant to obey.

Together, we engaged in a fierce fight, our determination fueling our every move. Yet, the odds were stacked against us, as our opponents had weapons at their disposal.

A surge of adrenaline filled me as I fought to protect Win, yet my efforts proved futile. One of the attackers managed to land a powerful blow, sending Win crashing to the ground.

Helplessly, I watched as blood streamed from a wound on his head and he collapsed, unconscious.

In that instant, a wave of darkness engulfed me, and everything faded to black.


As I gradually regained consciousness, I found myself in an unfamiliar environment. My head was bandaged.

Though my vision was still blurry, I could distinctly hear voices nearby.

Dew's voice reached my ears, expressing gratitude and relief.

"Thanks, Fourth," he expressed, while an unfamiliar voice responded, "Just part of the job, my bro."

Confusion washed over me as I pondered the identity of the person called Fourth. Who is he?
Why haven't I heard of him before?

As I pretended to remain unconscious, Dew came closer and carefully lifted my body in a bridge-style carry, gently transporting me to an unfamiliar room.

Soon after, exhaustion overwhelmed me, and I drifted off to sleep.

Waking up next to Dew, I discovered myself ensconced in a rather uncomfortable bed.

Confusion lingered as I wondered about our exact whereabouts.

After a brief moment of respite in bed, Dew stirred, greeting me with a gentle "Good morning."

Responding with a warm smile, I inquired, "How did we end up here?"

"You see, Joong happened to be passing through the park when he stumbled upon up. This place is our gang's hideout." Dew clarified.

However, doubts lingered in my mind. The voice I had heard last night didn't quite match Joong's.

Nodding, I responded, "Aha, I see." I wanted dto know, of Dew would keep on lying to me.

Dew then playfully patted my head and suggested, "We should go out for food." I nodded in agreement, eager to find out if he would maintain his story.

After devouring a satisfying meal at the famed Thai breakfast restaurant, we returned home, and I wasted no time calling up Joong.

"Joong, hello?" I queried.

His response was less than courteous, "What the hell do you want?"
Ignoring his tone, I pressed on with my question.
"What do you want from me? " Joong inquired eagerly.

Seeking clarification, I posed my question, "Were you near the park last night?"
He swiftly responded with denial, stating, "Me? Hell no, I was staying in Dunk's dorm along with him."

His answer confirmed my suspicions about Dew's dishonesty.

I expressed gratitude to Joong and hastily ended the phone call.

Dew is hiding something.

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