Chapter 4

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"What do you want?"

As me and Dew stood waiting for our driver outside the school gates, a playful smirk crossed his face when he spoke up, admitting that he only wanted to annoy me and didn't have any other reason for speaking.

I didn't bother replying, instead ignoring him and his playful smirk as our driver eventually arrived. I then got into the car, taking a seat right next to Dew, who sat in the back.

The ten minute car ride passed swiftly, as we settled into the plush seats and enjoyed the comfort of the luxury vehicle.

Once we returned to the mansion, we headed to our room to complete our homework, only to have the tiredness sink in as we took a seat.

Instead of focusing on the tasks, we decided to give each other a break and enjoy a casual conversation instead, since the exhaustion was overtaking everything else.

"Sooo.." He started the conversation, "What are your hobbies?" He asked.

"Play guitar." I shortly said.

"What else?"

"Make music with guitar."

"Is that all?"

"Also play music."


"What about you? I bet you're beating up people in your free time."

I crossed my hands and turned my head to gaze at the view from the window.

"Me? I like drawing."

I turned my head back at him, even more curious than before.

"Whenever I experience an emotional state, I can make my artistic ability to translate that sensation into a visual drawing of my feelings.

To summarise, I have a deep adoration for the art of drawing, which has remained a constant since my childhood years and I will continue to draw as a source of inspiration and comfort throughout my life."

The words he spoke hit a chord in my heart and made me feel something deep and indescribable inside.

It was a perfect reflection of his love for drawing, and it showed how much he truly cared for the craft.

"Why do you like music, darlin?" He asked with a genuine and gentle tone.

He asked me a question I have never replied to.

Before I answer, I take a deep breath before talking.

"My love for music is by the desire to show others that I had a talent of my own as well.
I wanted to escape from the situation of being overlooked and left out by my parents, who chose to focus their attention on the accomplishments of other children instead of acknowledging my efforts and abilities.

Music provides me with a way to express myself and reveal my true feelings, and it soon became a source of comfort and escape from the reality of feeling unseen and unappreciated."

He nodded. "Understandable." As he was about to continue his homework, he asked me a question he has once asked me:

"Will you share the bed with me? I get nightmares often."

"Can't say no to you."

"Thanks darlin."

"Don't call me that."

After, there was a long awkward silence, but I decided to stop it.

"What kind of nightmares do you get?"

He didn't respond.

I realized that there is something Dew is keeping from me.

But I didn't question it.

Impossible Affection [DewWin]Where stories live. Discover now