Part 14

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As the hot, sunny day greeted us, I crept into Dew's bed to awaken him, side the school starts in an hour.

With silent steps, I tiptoed towards the sleeping Dew, only to realize he wasn't sleeping after all. His smiling face was a dead giveaway to his true state.

"Dew?" My questioning whisper was met with a warm hug and gentle squeeze as he grabbed my wrist and brought me to him.

"I should have known," I muttered quietly.

"What was that, honey?" He asked, a hint of flirtation evident in his tone.

"Don't call me that." I ordered.

"Why? Are you that shy?"

I smacked him in the head.

"Shy my ass."

We both burst out laughing at the humorous situation we had encountered.

"I think we probably should get up now." I suggested, and he agreed.

While I was getting dressed up, my mobile phone suddenly started to ring, interrupting my morning routine.

I picked up the phone and it was Phuwin calling me.

"Phuwin, hey, what's up?" I greeted him casually.

As I uttered the words, Dew entered the room, looking interested.

"Win, this might be very unexpected, but Perth needs help. From you." That words made me stunned.

"What? But why me? Doesn't Perth have his own friends?" I asked.

The moment I mentioned Perth, Dew came closer to me.

"That isn't the case now, Win. I'll tell you more in school." Phuwin answered.

"Okay, see you."

"Why were you two talking about Perth?" He inquiried.

I chuckled.

"Your friend Perth needs help from me," I repeated to Dew's question, and he looked at me rather curiously.

"Huh?" He responded, clearly mystified.

"Phuwin told me that all the details will be explained by Perth at school today," I clarified.

He nodded his head, still unsure of the situation but accepting that I will find out more at school.

We both left my home together and entered the car, where a driver was waiting for us.

The vehicle halted and dropped us at the entrance of our university building, just as usual.

"Will you grab a drink from the vending machine?" I posed the inquiry to Dew as we walked by, and he declined the suggestion with an abrupt reply.

"I'll pass today," he said, and I nodded in resignation to his choice.

"Okay, well, see you at lunch then." I said.

As we waved at each other, he shouted:

"Bye-bye! Don't forget to miss me darling! Love you!"

As I turned my head back to the front, I was interrupted by the curious voices of my friends.

"Say, why did he refer to you as 'darling'?" Chimon inquired suspiciously, prompting my surprised gaze upon him.

"And why in the world was he holding onto your waist?" Dunk added, his tone equally baffled.

I was at a loss for words in my confusion and could only mutter a soft "Uh...."

"Guys, Pond told me that Dew does this everyone. He likes to tease everyone." Phuwin saved me at that exact moment.

"Is that right, Win?" Dunk raised his eyebrows.

"Hundred percent." I replied.

"Whatever you say.."

"Never mind, let's just go to our class already." I said.

When lunch time arrived, my friends and I took our usual seats in the very last row of the dining hall.

The cafeteria was bursting at the seams with the loud chatter and hearty laughter of students.

"So what's this you wanted to tell us about Perth, Phuwin?" Chimon questioned, and I seconded his statement as I gestured for him to proceed.

"Hmmmm..." Phuwin began in a tentative tone, "Perth is trying to find some students capable of playing certain music instruments."

Phuwin further clarified the situation, providing some extra details that were not known to us previously.

"The reason he wants you guys to lend assistance is that his bandmates will be away on the day of his band's biggest concert," Phuwin added.

Chimon responded with a sour expression and his typical foul-mouthed language.
"Why would I bother myself with this damn task? Why couldn't he find another goddamn person to help out?"

"Well, no one dares to talk to a member of a gang, you know." Phuwin explained.

"That makes sense." Chimon commented.

When Chimon was declining the task, I could not contain my excitement and delight, expressing my willingness to lend a hand to the band leader with the excitement of a child on Christmas day.

"I would be glad to help Perth with his problem!!" I enthusiastically exclaimed, because of the fact that The Dark Feeling is my most favored musical band.

"Yeah, I knew that you are such a nice guy. The opposite of Chimon." Phuwin said as he glared at him.

"Chimon wasn't it your dream from childhood to play drums in front of thousands of people?" Dunk asked.

"It was, but..."

"No buts, Chimon! This is your opportunity to fulfill your childhood dreams." Dunk somehow tried to convince him, which was very surprising.

Chimon sighed.

"I'll think about it." He simply said.

"Be fast tho, the concert is starting the day after tomorrow." Phuwin pointed out.

"Alright." Chimon replied.

"And you, Win, you will have practise tomorrow after school." Phuwin told me.


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