Chapter 84 Replication Failed

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Caribbean Sea........

Infinity Islands.....

A tall, imposing looking man walked along the hallways of his castle. He looked to be in his early fifties, sporting black hair with gray streaks.

Alongside a mustache with wild, black eyebrows.

He was dressed in a regal manner, with the majority of his clothes covered by a high-collared green cloak with large gold buttons. 

His peaceful walk, however, was interrupted when something on his belt buckle began to give off a flashing white light.

Coming to a halt, he took out a spherical flashing object from his pocket and pushed the tip.

The sphere opened up in three sides and a holographic projection was displayed.

“L-0? What is the matter?”

“Complications have emerged in Bialya. L-3 has ordered an emergency assembly for all reachable members”.

Seeing the pure white female hologram, Ra's al ghul's thick eyebrows furrowed greatly.

“Complications bigger than what the Android can handle?”


“I'll be right there”. And with that, The Demon's Head turned off the projector. Then, he changed his direction and walked towards his private study. In there, no one was allowed to disturb him.

Not even his daughter.




“The Android is facing troubles it can't handle?”

“The Android is precisely what is in trouble”.

“Oh….”. Lex put down his glass of champagne. With a clap of his hands, the lights went off, and the holographic projection expanded while connecting to the assembly call.

After the AI was reprogrammed with the combined efforts of himself and the brain, Amazo had gotten a minor upgrade.

The operating system of the Android was controlled precisely by L-0 thereby the delay caused in switching between abilities was effectively shortened. You could practically say it was removed.

Even against the original Justice League, it may not win, but it definitely wouldn't lose. Escaping unscathed was possible.

And yet now......

“Why am I not surprised......”.

The bald billionaire muttered.

The same thing happened with other members of the light. The Brain, Ocean master, Klarion........

..... ......

With the impact caused by the telekinetic push, the entire underground base shook like it had been hit with a sledgehammer.

Quite understandable if you could see it. The force not only slammed The Android away, but also destroyed everything else in its path. The walls and roof came crumbling down on itself wherever the wave went.

Bursting through the final obstacle, Amazo's body came to a halt as he slammed against a wall in a rather spacious arena.

Several seconds later, Amari appeared at the hole in which The Android flew out of.

He took several steps forward, his eyes set on the unmoving machine that rested against the wall with its head lowered.

“Finally. And here I thought Lex would keep you hidden until he really had no other cards up his sleeve”.

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