Chapter 73 The Cameraman, The Reporter And The Pilot

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For this rather bustling city, the most eye-catching thing happening right now would be......... the screams.

Around the area, there were droves of fleeing civilians, scattering in all directions like mice in front of a cat.

Of course, the cat in this situation looked nothing like a cat at all. It stood above two feet, had purple skin and looked like a beast from the novels.

“It's a monster!”


A male pointed towards a certain direction and screamed before running away in terror.

Parasite stood in place, looked at the fleeing crowds in the immediate vicinity before walking forwards at a steady pace. The shrivelled corpses under his feet were ignored.

“You're all not the one I want”. His voice was low yet sounded beastly.

At that moment, a passing train suddenly caught his attention. Feeling the huge electrical energy within, he felt a pang of hunger once again.

“More”. Seeing the speeding train, his monstrous figure flashed with electrical arcs all over before speeding after it.

“Mommy mommy, look. I saw people running outside”.

A little girl said with wide eyes as she turned her head towards the disappearing scenery and poked her mother beside her.

“Oh..... Yeah, that's nice, dear”. The mother said nonchalantly, rummaging through her handbag.

“Now If I could just find my mirror”.

“Mom! You didn't look”. Seeing this scene, the girl yelled aloud with a pout.

“We're on the train sweetie, don't be so loud. Just give your momma a few seconds and then......”.

The mother stopped speaking as she noticed the train suddenly stop moving. She wasn't the only one.

“What in the world….”

Unfortunately, a loud sound interrupted her sentence. Everyone onboard was startled by the sound. The roof above their heads was ripped apart and a large, black shadow fell over them.

As soon as their eyes met with what was above them, everyone froze with shock which quickly turned into fear.

Parasite didn't care for their shock, dropping straight down before grabbing the two closest living beings it could lay its hands on.

Many exclaimed in fright, but the next scene that happened caused their faces to turn pale.

“Mommy!” The little girl screamed in terror. The sight of her mother being held by a monster, her skin growing older and older by the second before becoming completely shrivelled scared her out of her wits.

Except for the little girl who couldn't move due to fear, everyone else had cleared the area, scrambling to move from their positions.

The life force of both humans was quickly absorbed. Parasite had no plans to stop. The corpse of the absorbed male was dropped to the floor.

“There it is”.

“Make sure you get it on Camera”.

At that moment, a helicopter appeared, hovering over the train. A man carried a large camera on his shoulder and pointed it towards the hole in the train roof.

On live TV, the monstrous body of Parasite was revealed.

“God! What is that thing?” The cameraman asked with obvious horror.

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