Chapter 76 Bialya

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Two people stood near the end of the road. The smashed cars around them made their posture look particularly eye-catching.

One was a human male...... Well, looked like a human male. The other was once a human male but now, looked like something completely inhuman.

Parasite Lunged towards me with all the strength he could muster in a pointless attack.

His body stiffened, however, when his claws were five centimeters away from my head.

The freeze was brief, taking no longer than a second. However, a long time had passed for both parties within this very short second.

Parasite's vision returned for a split second before an intense fatigue flooded his mind. The level of mental exhaustion caused his already weakening body to fail completely, causing the monster to plummet to the floor unconscious.

I took a brief look at the monster that laid at my feet, with a look of contemplation in his eyes.

“Well, these eyes truly have evolved”. My voice was naturally smooth with a hint of pondering.

One year!

Unlike my previous abilities that could manipulate the mental space and stretch time for roughly three days, the newly evolved version took it to the extreme.

For one year, Rudy had suffered so much torture as I experimented with my abilities that his mind would literally never be the same again.

This, was in no way an exaggeration. What Batman experienced could still be repaired with the right people and powers?

As for this, I wasn't sure if it could be repaired by Doctor Fate and a group of magicians utilizing magic to the best of their abilities.

“Oh...... And that's new”. Something else caught my attention as well.

Voices.......... Thousands of them coming from all directions.

Men, women, children.......

Amari could hear them. However, this wasn't through the use of his ears.

“Oh My God!”

“ Shit, gotta hurry and call 911, there's....."

“Damn it! Are those supers fighting again? But this ain't Metropolis”.

The thoughts of numerous people playing out simultaneously in his mind were honestly astounding.

Some were cursing, some were screaming, some were doing both.

“Another shitty day in this shitty world”. The thoughts of a beggar literally a few dozen meters away.

He held a bottle of canned soda, half empty at this point. Unlike the others, he sat where he was and simply took a chug, ignoring the people who were running past him.

Bending down slightly and taking a peep in my direction, his eyes quickly lost interest as he returned to resting his back against the wall.

“Where's death when you need it”. The tone was nonchalant.

Sounds like a human who had given up on life.

“Is this........ Telepathy?”

The power to read the thoughts of others. This was the simplest definition and, quite frankly, it was the simplest thing I could do at this point.

No one told me, I could feel it.

Focusing my sight on the comatose creature that was once Rudy Jones, retina lines appeared in my field of vision, before disappearing rapidly, feeding information on what I was seeing into my mind.

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