Chapter 80 We're Going To Bialya

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Like two fingers clamped against a piece of paper, the goblins were either blown to bits with blood and flesh flying in all directions or ripped into two halves the moment I snapped my fingers.

In a single second, thousands of monsters died in Gotham and tens of thousands experienced the same in the other world. It was a new experience really.

Ending so many lives in a split second. It felt......

I didn't complete that last thought. Looking at Gotham now, a sigh escaped my lips.

If Gotham before looked like a horror town with blood and limbs here and there, now it looked like it had just experienced a paint job.

Over many blocks, in many houses, on the streets, it was all green.

The change in color scheme was not what one would expect.

“If I may ask, in the process of eliminating the goblins, was your Finger snap really necessary?” The voice of Alice questioning my actions made me roll my eyes.

“Perhaps....... Perhaps not. Either way, a bit of dramatic flair never hurt anyone”. I chuckled softly.

“What about the breaches?”

“Those?” I raised an eyebrow.

"Leave em there. I feel uncomfortable enough having to ........ “Help”...... I think I've done enough for one day". My time was bland and indifferent.

“That is work for the JL. And I'm considerate enough not to be a job stealer”. If Alice materialized, she would definitely roll her eyes.

But all jokes aside, I wasn't going to close those Breaches. It's good enough that I annihilated everything on the other side.

Meanwhile, on Batman's end.

“Oracle, did you get that?” Bruce asked solemnly.

“I........”. A slightly trembling voice could be heard from the intercom.

“Oracle?” Bruce called out again with narrowed eyelids. His tone softened ever so slightly to reveal a rare hint of concern......... That only he could make out.

To others, it was still the same gruff voice that made it seem like everyone in the world owed this billionaire money.

“I'm ok”. Barbara on the other end took a deep breath and regained her composure. “Just a bit startled”.

On that matter, she wasn't the only one. The simultaneous deaths of the green skinned creatures had shocked even batman. Bruce's eyes displayed strong shock when it all happened.


“...... If you're not ready, you should take some time to......”.

“I'm fine”. She cut in forcefully.

“Alright. I asked, did you get that?”


In the secret room behind her closet, the redhead Barbara Gordon, sitting on a wheelchair, typed furiously on the keyboard before her.

The previous scene of thousands of creatures bursting into bits almost made her throw up.

“All readings picked up indicate a large wave of invisible force acted on all these creatures at the same time”.

“So you're saying one thing killed a large number of living organisms at once?”

“I'm not sure. I'm comparing it through the Bat computer files........... The readings show that it's almost similar to Martian Manhunters but on different wavelengths and on a much larger scale”.

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