Chapter 82 Bereft Rewritten

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The heavy thud resounded throughout a vast area of the desert.

“Now then dear......”. Amari dusted his hands together and turned to look at the little Green Miss.

“...... You were saying?”

“You.....”. Megan's eyes were wide open in shock.

“Who...... I'm sorry, Who are you?” She said staggering up to her feet. She took several steps back, watching Amari with a hint of confusion and wariness.

Looking at the slightly tense green female in front of him, Amari tilted his head slightly, looking like he had found a new toy.

“Well...... If I said I was your Lover on Earth, would you believe me?”

“You...... You are what?” Her eyes widened in amazement at the words that came out of his mouth. It sounded somewhat incomprehensible.

The next moment, her green cheeks took on a red hue as she blushed and lowered her head slightly in embarrassment.

“That's…. That can't......”. She muttered, stammering with her words and made nervous gestures with her fingers.

The thought of finding a boyfriend after coming to earth, visiting the planet she always dreamed of was........ Strangely embarrassing.

“...... But that can't be. I don't ....... even remember coming to earth much less having a ........ I can't even remember you, or where I am or what I'm doing here”.

The embarrassment quickly faded as she got back to the fact that she had memory loss.

“Why do you tease the little Martian?”  The voice of the red Queen sounded in his ears.

“I don't know. Guess I found the situation interesting. And........ Now I've lost interest”.

“Oh! Does my boss now have a special quirk?”

“You can't be serious?”. He said, slightly speechless.

“Also....... You haven't answered yet. Who are you? And is that...... Superman?”

Seeing that Amari wasn't responding, Megan asked again.

“No, he isn't”.

Amari answered the last and ignored the first. Then, his eyes glowed blue.

The vast expanse of land within hundreds of miles was instantly enveloped in his vision.

He saw many things.

The unconscious Robin, Aqualad, The conscious Kidflash, the Bialyan base camp, Supergirl.......

Hold on a minute!

Amari's eyes widened in slight surprise.

What the hell was Kara doing here?

The scene that played out before his eyes were apparent.

A blonde female wearing the classic Supergirl suit and skirt with a long red cape.

Her body was being restrained with metal chains enclosing her hands and feet.

She laid on the testing table, her skin was pale, and her figure looked feeble. She laid there unconscious, mumbling words constantly that didn't seem to be any native language on Earth.

In the area around her, there were several men and women in white lab coats, name tags on their chests and most carried charts in their hands.

Of course, that wasn't the most eye-catching thing he saw.

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