Chapter 42

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"Whoa!! This wasn't here when I came in." Becky gasps in surprise looking around at the decorations.

Irin who was walking with her rolls her eyes, "Of course it wasn't. You came in like what 4 am?" Irin said in a mocking tone.

Becky scoffed, "I had a shift."

Irin stopped in her tracks looking at Becky,  "No. You did not. It was Billy's. By the way you need to stop asking people for their shifts."

Becky ignores her and walks forward, "What if I do? I need the distraction. I'm just a little bit overworking."

"More like working yourself to death." Irin mutters under her breath catching up with Becky.

"I'm fine. I feel fine though." Becky says unconvincing.

"I don't want to argue with you. Not again." Irin says before taking a seat in front of the temporarily set podium.

"Good. Now are you gonna tell me or not?"

Irin looks at her with both surprise and shock. "I'm surprised you don't know, considering you nowadays spend more time in the hospital than at home. Do you even come home?"

"I do. And do I look like I know?" Becky hisses in anger.

Irin pauses to look at Becky for a while to determine whether she was telling the truth or not before she sighs and start explaning, "Fine. Since Freen took over as chief of surgery, there is a new doctor replacing her as the chief of neuro...I only know what I have heard. Apparently he's a big deal. He started his career here at Bangkok General but later moved to England. I guess it's kind of like a homecoming for him. And that's why they are probably going overboard with this."

Becky had a thoughtful look all the while Irin was explaining the situation.

"I'm surprised Freen didn't tell you."

Becky scoffed, "Are you?" She asked as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Irin shakes her head in annoyance, "Why do you guys keep fighting?" This apparent fight had been going on far too long for anyone's liking.

"I doubt anyone can call it a fight anymore since we barely exchange a word these days." Becky says trying to sound bold but yet her voice trembles.

With a heavy breath Irin asks, "I swore to myself that I wouldn't ask again. But what happened Becky?"

"Why don't you ask her?" Becky retorts.

Irin shakes her head frantically, "And piss her off? Piss my boss off? She's already pissed off enough."

Becky's eyebrows furrows in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Apparently it's a train wreck for the new interns. She is snapping at people left and right. I don't wanna be the next."

Becky is surprised by that. Freen was strict but snapping or yelling at people no matter the mistake was not at all like her. She usually can hold off her emotions well, better than Becky anyway.

Becky wasn't any better. She found herself getting irritated or angry for silly reasons too. But this wasn't her fault. She was done letting herself down. No matter what Freen thinks Becky knew she didn't deserve to be let down. She hadn't done anything wrong.

"Well regardless of what anyone thinks, this time it's her who screwed up. So if you wanna know, ask her. It wouldn't be so hard since you all live in the same house."

Irin arches an eyebrow skeptically, "That's one of the things I don't get. If you guys are having this big fight, why is she still staying at your house, in your room, sleeping with you.?"

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