Chapter 36

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Freen walks in the CT room, finally finding what she had been looking for.

Or better, who.

Becky is going through some scans and she doesn’t even hear the surgeon approaching, so Freen figures she must be really focused.

Becky only acknowledges Freen's presence when she surrounds her waist with her arms and rests her chin on Becky's shoulder.

“Hey.” Becky's serious expression fades for a moment as she smiles softly at Freen.

“How are you?” Freen whispers to her ear, then places a tender kiss on her temple.

“I’m okay baby, I promise.”

Freen was worried that today could be hard on Becky since they have yet another family dinner planned, but since Becky had been talking about her emotions and sharing more about her past, she had been surprisingly better at dealing with everything that comes with it.

Freen couldn’t help but worry anyway. She probably will always worry, no matter how much she believes in Becky's strength.“What are we looking at?” Freen asks.

“My patient’s scans.” Becky turns her head to look at the surgeon. “Shouldn’t you be somewhere, Chief?” She asks putting emphasis on the word.

“Oh now I can’t even stop by and kiss my fiancée?”

Becky smirks and narrows her eyes. “What do you want?”

Becky knows her so well. And Freen doesn’t hesitate to go straight to the point.

“We should pick a date for the wedding.” She sits on the table and grabs Becky's lab coat to pull her closer.

“Ohh, I like that. What were you thinking?” She pulls a strand of hair behind Freen's ear and curls her fingers between them.

“Well, the real question long do we want to wait?”

Becky gives her the softest smile, and Freen almost melts under her gaze. “Do we want to wait?”

Freen smiles back. “No, we don’t.”

“Then let’s just pick a day and we’ll be married within a month.”

Suddenly Freen realizes something. “Wait, but what about your family? Would they approve?...” she pouts.

“Does it matter? If they won't, they will be by the time we have kids.”

Freen smiles widely and bites her tongue between her teeth, suddenly blushing and titling her head to the side in a cute and sheepish way. “Does this mean one of us might be pregnant by the end of the year?”

“Might be you.” Becky says pressing her forehead against Freen's.

Becky can suddenly see brown eyes sparkling. “Really?’d want me to do it?”

“I know how much you want it, so yes.” Becky brushes a thumb on Freen's cheek, and the surgeon rests her face in her hands completely. “I can do the second round.” Becky says.

Freen chuckles and ultimately gets up from the table, forcing Becky to step back. “Now I can tell Mind that I’ll have your babies too!”

That brings a loud laugh out of Becky that fills the entire room. Freen only glances at her one last time before walking away, while Becky keeps smiling to herself for a while more.


Becky was on her way to the O.R when she was suddenly stopped by a nurse, "Dr. Armstrong? You have a patient."

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