Part 92

274 12 35

"Hey you're back-" I could swear I physically felt all the colour drain from my face when I turned my head and saw him in New York City. In this huge ass city. Standing right there. With his hand on my waist

"Yeah, missed me ?" I hated myself for this, but I again stood frozen, my brain was blurry and my eyes wide

"What are you doing here ?"

"I missed you, didn't really end well last time" I shook my head backing away slowly

"You- leave me alone" he sighed

"Now come on darling, let's not waste more time and start where we left off last time alright ?"

"No ! Leave me alone" I slapped his hand away, shaking my hand for him to let go of my wrist, memories were coming in fast and I tried desperately to stop them "leave me- leave me alone"

"Come on, don't be like that"

"Jason- let me go. What do you want from me ?!" He was getting closer and I just turned my head to avoid him at any cost

And then a hand hit his face sending him straight away from me, my mind was still confused and trying to piece my brain together

It wasn't Walker hitting Jason this time, it was Aryan and he looked furious. I had never experienced him like this, or really really mad at all if I remember correctly. The maddest I've seen him was probably when I told him about Jason last time and now it looked like he wasn't going to let him go that easily

"Belle ?! Shit what happened ?" Leah hugged me, not letting go all that quick. I rested my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes for a bit before getting back to the two boys

"Aryan ? Aryan. Come on" I went up to them and pulled my boyfriend away from Jason "There are people here Aryan, he's not worth it" he took a look at Jason, then turning his eyes to me. I watched his face soften a little, his lip was bleeding, slightly above it too and he was bleeding a little right above his eyebrow "he's not worth it" I repeated while I pulled him further away from Jason who was saying something while laying on the ground, he looked a lot more bruised up and way way worse than Aryan, bleeding wise too

We went back to the hotel after that, deciding to order food in and just stay there

Leah and Walker were walking in front of us again, they talked a little about this and that, things I didn't really pay attention to

My entire attention was on Aryan. I intertwined our fingers and let my thump caress over his hand, his knuckles were red and there was blood too but I assumed it wasn't his blood

We didn't talk the entire way back, walking in comfortable silence, both of us being too deep inside our own thoughts

At the hotel I told Leah and Walker to order whatever they wanted and pulled Aryan upstairs. I sat him on my bed and went into my bathroom to wet a towel, I took some disinfectant out of my bag and sat down next to him, cross legged on my bed

I waited for him to say something or move a little at first but when he didn't do anything I carefully turned his face towards me. He avoided my eyes and looked anywhere other than at me

"Aryan" he clenched his jaw "Aryan" I repeated brushing through his curls a little keeping the other hand on his cheek "what's going on ?" He closed his eyes, then opened them and looked at me, his face flinched a little

"I'm sorry" I frowned and shook my head


"I was right there. I was a store down wasting time to make you wait, to annoy you. I was like 20 feet away from you and still let him- if I had-"


"If I had just-"

"Stop." He looked at me with a pained expression "This is not your fault. You couldn't have known Aryan you can't blame yourself for this"

"But I should've. I just wasted time and he- he-"

"No. I'm not gonna let you blame yourself for this. I didn't make the connection that if Grace and Julia were here he would be too. I was careless this is not your fault in any way"

"But-" I interrupted him by pressing my lips against his, kissing him once then letting go "I sho-" I repeated it, then again and again until he cracked a smile "will you let me talk ?"

"Not if you're gonna talk stupid" I looked at him with a fully serious expression eventually smiling a little. He reached his hand up and wiped something away from slightly above my lip with his thumb

"You got a little blood there" he smiled

"Duh, I'm a vampire"

"Oh is that so ? Want more blood ?" He kissed me again, not letting go that fast this time

"Let's get your wounds cleaned up now should we ?" I mutter looking at him, he grinned a little

"I got him good"

"Heck yeah you did" I took the towel in my right hand and grabbed his jaw with my left hand to turn his face a little

I patted his wound carefully feeling his eyes on my face the entire time. I then cleaned around and on his lips placing a kiss on them when I was done. I took his hand and cleaned it up too while his thumb caressed my fingers slowly

"Having fun ?" He asked smiling a little

"Lots. My favourite activity is cleaning blood off my boyfriend of course" I set the towel down and put a little of the disinfectant on a cotton pad "you look really hot with all this blood though" I mutter seeing his lips form into a grin immediately


"Yeah shut up. You're my boyfriend you don't have to act surprised at that" I gently took his jaw in my hand again turning his face he hissed a little when the disinfectant touched the wound "I'm sorry, we have to clean this or it could get infected" I patted it carefully, then took his hand again doing the same there "alright, I think we're all done here" I looked back up at him and caught his eyes. He smiled and connected our lips, I smiled into the kiss placing a hand on the back of his head, not letting go of him

"We should probably get back, can't let the food wait" I rolled my eyes

"Of course, food is more important after all" I got up from the bed but he pulled me back to him by my arm kissing me again

"You know you're way more important than food" he whispered before placing another kiss on my lips and then letting me go "it's just that your -kinda scary- brother is sitting downstairs probably wondering where we're at" I rinsed the blood off the towel quickly and hung it up to dry before we headed down to Leah and Walker

Authors note:
Last exam tomorrow yayayaya
I have one on Tuesday but that one's just a random exam like any other. The one tomorrow is actually important 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️
Anyways they made me want to cry writing this cause how are they so cute ?!?!

Sunshine, Starlight | Aryan Simhadri Where stories live. Discover now