Part 87

257 10 24

When he finally spotted me his eyes widened and he started smiling real wide

He mouthed something, I'm guessing it was Belle? Or something like that. I just kept on smiling at him

He walked up to me and immediately pulled me into a hug, lifting my feet just a little off the ground

I wrapped my arms around him and that was all I needed, all I ever needed. I firmly believe just a hug from Aryan could always make all my problems go away. I could swear I felt every single muscle in my body relax just being in his arms, knowing all of the stress was 100% worth it just for this moment

"You're here ?"

"I'm here." He let go of me and I just watched his eyes wander over me and then back into my eyes, my lips, and back to my eyes

I didn't even waste a single thought on it and kissed him. There might've been a thousand cameras around us but honestly ? Fuck it.

"Belle ?! You told me you didn't have time" Aryan and I broke apart and I was immediately run over by a hug from Leah

"Surprise" I laughed a little hugging Leah back

"You idiot, I thought I'd have to do this alone" I looked over at Walker who was smiling a little, I
narrowed my eyes onto him, him doing the same when he caught my eyes

We eventually let go of the hug and I did hug Walker too

As annoying as he was I hated being apart from Walker, the last time we were apart for this long was probably when he was filming the secret headquarters and it sucked

After the shock of me being there and the hellos were over I turned to the interviewer

"I am really sorry for this, I was planning on waiting until the interview was done but I guess I got spotted a little too early" I apologised to her with a soft smile, feeling Aryans eyes on me the entire time

"Oh no don't worry about it. We were talking about what each of you are most excited to see in the next season, what would yours be ?"

"Walker said his was tying me to a boat" Leah said looking at Walker

"Yeah that sounded kinda creepy" he laughed

"That's just cause you are a creep. Well mine's gotta be Aryan in a wedding dress" I answer the interviewer

"That seems like a mutual excitement"

"Well I mean we have seen him in Mckennas dress already and he was killing it so it can only be good" I grin looking at Aryan "but beside that I think I'm really excited for circes island. Can't wait to see them turn Walker into a guinea pig"

"Yeah they're actually going to turn me into a guinea pig" Walker nodded to the camera with a straight face

"Yeah it's cause he's so annoying, they're hoping he'll be less annoying when he can't talk" Aryan also adds onto it with nothing but a serious expression, eventually cracking a grin

We finish the interview and move on finding a quiet space to just talk a bit

"I thought you weren't coming" Walker says frowning at me

"Yeah, I wasn't going to but then I decided why not ?"

"How did you even manage that timely" Leah asks

"You have no idea, my flight was at 6 am after filming until roughly 11 pm yesterday, then I arrived here at about 5 pm, which meant I was already late when I landed. I then immediately got ready and came here within an hour, it's stressful"

"No jet lag or tiredness ?"

"I'm trying"

"When are you flying back ?"

"Uh, 1 am on Thursday"

"So soon ?"

"I have to get back to work"

The rest of the evening was great. We took pictures, did a few more interviews and just enjoyed the night

I felt the fatigue kicking in a lot, not being able to avoid jet lag entirely, it might've also been the little sleep I got at night and the terrible sleep on the plane

We were standing and just looking around to see where we're going next and I was genuinely fighting to keep my eyes open at that point, I leaned my head on aryans shoulder and immediately felt his arm wrap around my shoulder

"You're so stunning sunshine" he whispered into my ear turning his head a little, I smiled a little and yawned "we can leave if you want to"

"No, I'm fine"

"Hey, lovebirds. We're taking pictures" Leah called out to us

The rest of the event went by pretty normal and fun. I loved hanging out with Leah, Walker and Aryan the entire night because honestly, I missed our little group so much and I couldn't wait for filming season two to start so I could be with them day and night again. Sadly I would be missing the first couple of months since it overlapped with the Baby-sitters club but that worked out just fine since my character wasn't in a bunch of scenes in season 2

We went to grab something to eat afterwards, some fast food like we always do after things like these and headed back to the hotel. I had booked a room in the same hotel since I had talked to mom to make sure I was getting the right one

"Why did I ever think I could just do this ?" I say in a wide yawn while we wait for the elevator

"You still slayed that carpet Belle. If I had flown out here today I don't think I could've functioned" Leah said

"I feel like my legs are about to just give in any second" I felt aryans grip on my hand strengthen before feeling a hand rest on my waist

I went into my room and immediately just got out of my dress and shoes and put a comfortable top and a pair of sleeping pants on

I pulled my hair into a bun and looked into the mirror debating wether I should take my make up off or just fuck it

I fell into my bed, lying on my back and staring at the ceiling deciding to just rest my feet a little before getting up to remove my make up and lock the door

I heard a knock on my door and frowned a little "it's open"

Authors note:
Whoop whoop the groups back together 🤭😋(for like a day)

Alright now I need everyone to be really honest with me. Is this fanfic getting too long ? Like we're on chapter 87 and I feel like this could be feeling like it's stretching too far so like pls just let me know if it's still good or feeling like forced thanks 🫶
Hope you enjoyed the chapter loves 😋🫶🫶🪻

Sunshine, Starlight | Aryan Simhadri Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora