Part 86

120 7 18

"Wait is Aryan going to prom with Mckenna ?" Sophie asked frowning

"Yeah, how do you know ?"

"She just posted a TikTok" I took her phone watched it and laughed a little

"Those two are so weird when they're in the same room" I laugh giving her her phone back

"You're like okay with him taking her to prom ?" Xochitl asked too now

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be ? They're like best friends I mean, I really don't see why they shouldn't"

"Cause he has a girlfriend"

"Calm down, he's going to prom with her not proposing to her. I think it's really sweet" I shrugged taking a bite from my food, malia kept her eyes on me a bit

"I admire you" she whispered "like I know I would be freaking out about that"

"I mean I wouldn't be jealous if I was Claribel either, he couldn't score better if he wanted to" mo laughed a bit

"Did they like ask you ?"

"Yeah. Mckenna asked if I would feel uncomfortable or weird about it but like I genuinely don't. You'd think I would be jealous after getting cheated on" I chuckled a bit shaking my head and taking another bite

"Again. I admire you"


"Alright so we'll pick you up on the 16th at 6-ish"

"No you really don't have to. You're doing too much for me, I already stay at your house the entire time I can really uber"

"Alone at 6 am ? I don't think so" her mother also spoke now "we'll be here"

"Thank you, for all of it really I really appreciate it"

"Of course" I hugged Momona goodbye before heading to my plane, let the stress begin

I found my seat and sat down, deciding to get a little sleep since I would be landing there in the afternoon

Time zones are so strange, I fly 8 hours and land basically 10 hours later, I skip almost half a day in the air. I really hoped I wouldn't be jet lagged, I had no time for that in my schedule

Well In Taylor swifts words jet lag is a choice I was just not gonna choose it


"Wait so they don't know ?"

"Nope" I smiled at Elizabeth while she straightened a piece of my hair

"So you're just causally in the same hotel as them and they don't know"

"Exciting isn't it ?"

"That is crazy Belle. How do you expect to find them with so many people there"

"I honestly have no idea, I don't even know what they're wearing, maybe I'll see something of them before I get there"

"Can I ask you something ?" I looked at her through the mirror "how are you not jet lagged right now ?"

"Let me quote my very dear miss taylor Allison Swift" I cleared my throat "jet leg is a choice" she laughed a bit "I don't have the time to be jet lagged, I'll survive"

"I'm gonna tell you now, you'll be so done tonight" I shrugged a bit

"Worth it"

"You are crazy" she finished my hair and did my make up before helping me with getting my dress on "well then miss Scobell. I feel like if I keep you here 10 more minutes you'll fly away to find your boyfriend"

"I'm just excited"

"Well you look amazing, you'll kill that carpet. Also look what I found" she showed me a video of Walker Aryan and Leah at the event today

"No way you actually found a video ?"

"I asked my daughter to look if she could find something"

"Thank you so much Elizabeth I would've been lost without you"

"Well it's kinda my job" she joked slightly

"Well it's not your job to be this good to me"

"You're just too sweet to be anything but good to you"

"Stop it, I have never been to a carpet alone this is gonna be scary"

"You'll do great" I grabbed my purse, thanked Elizabeth again and left the hotel room going downstairs to find the car already ready

My stomach was flipping the whole ride there and it didn't stop once I got out of the car

I fixed my dress quickly and fixed my posture before heading into the event

I got a few pictures taken and saw a bunch of amazing celebrities but I didn't even know where to start looking for the trio

I looked around a lot, looking a little lost I assumed

I flinched when I felt hands on shoulders and a wuah beside my ear. I turned around and my shocked expression turned into a smile real quick, I rolled eyes sighing

"You scared me Ryan, why would you sneak up on me like that" I hugged him feeling him laugh

"What are you doing out here all by yourself"

"I'm surprising the others, I think. If I manage to find them. Did you see them ?"

"No not yet, only you"

"Where's Blake ? Is she here ?"

"Oh, no she ditched me for the Cannes festival"

"Hah" he glared at me a bit "sorry"

"Well, I'm sorry I couldn't help you with your trio"

"Oh no it's okay, I'll just keep looking. Maybe I'll find them today" I laughed. He kept on moving and I went back to looking for the three, I knew Leah was wearing a bright pink dress so I just had to look for that

Why did I do this ? Why couldn't I just have come here with them ? How the hell was I supposed to find them here ?

I looked around a little more until I finally spotted a bright pink dress

Leah was standing on the right, Walker in the middle and Aryan on the left side

He looks so good

I immediate felt a smile grow on my face, I was about to walk up to them but saw they were doing an interview so I decided to not interrupt that and just wait

I observed the three of them from afar a bit, Walker was saying something, Leah watching him and Aryan was looking around

His eyes wandered over the people there, then over me and further over the others, then back to over me, then at the interviewer. I saw a frown form on his forehead as he realised what he saw and I just smiled brighter, his eyes searched back for me

Authors note:
The reunion 🥳🥳

Sunshine, Starlight | Aryan Simhadri Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz