Part 90

265 9 15

"Let's just split up then, Aryan and I stay here and you two can go" Leah suggested

"More time with Walker ?" I groaned. We did end up splitting up, Leah and Aryan stayed at the café and Walker and I went on to find a birthday gift for Tanner "what do we get him anyways ?"

"I don't know, you tell me"

"You're a boy aren't you ? Think back to when you were his age what would you want ?"

"I don't know" I groaned

"What do you know ?"

"I know that I'm going to Disneyland and you're not" he stuck out his tongue at me and grinned

"And I know that you're an asshole" we went into a random shop and just looked around a little, not finding anything gift-worthy "so how was school without me ?"

"Less annoying" I rolled my eyes "Mister Johnson talked about you being gone again, something like why don't people who are barely in school just switch to homeschooling completely and stop annoying the entire class with being there one day and gone the other" I laughed a little shaking my head

"That bastard"

"I've heard it from Micheal. I also heard that Micheal came for him and got him good and he might be facing a lawsuit now"

"Micheal did that ?"

"Yeah, I thought he was gonna tell you, didn't he ?"

"No" I shook my head a little

"That's weird. Anyways what else happened ? You're suing Jason"

"I'm what ?"

"Suing Jason"

"Yeah I heard you, where did that come from though ?"

"I'm just done with him going around harassing you. We can't be worried every time you leave the house on your own. It's time for a restraining order" I looked at an item in the shop we were in letting that go through my head. That was actually really sweet, I guess

"I don't think it's that easy Walker" I turn around to face him "you need like evidence and all that you can't just go to the police and say they've been bugging me"

"He's like highly stalking you Belle. I wouldn't be surprised if he showed up in Vancouver one day" he had a point. And it did terrify me

"Hey what about this ?" I said holding a drone in my hands "this looks like some Tanner shit"

"Woah, I want a drone" Walker took it and looked at it "that's awesome"

"And maybe some Lego ?"

"Why do you never get me so cool gifts"

"Go cry about it" we picked a black drone with a few blue details and went to the front to pay it

"So I saw Aryan went to prom with Mckenna"


"Want me to beat him up ?"

"No ?" he looked at me with raised eyebrows "i knew about it, it's like totally fine" i got that awful feeling in my stomach again, thinking about what i said to Aryan

"You sure ? I mean i can totally beat him up"

"Stop beating everyone up Walker, a fight is not the only solution. You're not gonna beat my boyfriend up" I laughed a little, we payed up at the front and went on to the next store to find some good Lego "So how's it going with your girl ?" He immediately got a smile and the tiniest blush on his face which honestly, and I would never tell him this, made my heart feel really happy


"Good ? That's it ? Come onnn I want to know more about what's happening in your life than good"

"She's really great, we met like twice because she lives an hour away but she's just so- she's so nice and beautiful and funny and just like really great" I couldn't help but just smile seeing his smile grow with every word he said, I don't think I've ever seen Walker in love or just so happy

"I want to meet her"


"No maybe what's her insta ? I'll follow her"

"You only want to stalk her"

"What if I do ?"

"Mind your own business"

"Wait let me quote something someone really annoying said to me once I'm your twin it's like my entire thing to get into your business"

"I will not tell you her Instagram"

"I'll find out on my own then"

"Good luck"

"Why won't you just tell me"

"This looks awesome" he looked at a Lego set, I lowered my eyes to the price tag and almost choked a little

"That also looks like 2 thousand dollars"


"Yeah oh" we looked a little further "I'm dropping a new song on Friday" he paused and looked at me "you told me to tell you more stuff. It's the lead single for my EP, like a kinda huge deal"

"That great"

"Yeah, I'm really proud of it" he smiled at me and went back to the legos

It felt strange not seeing Walker every day, we shared a room until we were 11, then he started acting in real huge things, with real huge celebrities and I started watching from afar. Of course we still talked a lot and Walker was great to me through all of it but I did kind of start being the overlooked twin and sibling

I felt the constant pressure of having to prove everyone that I am worth the attention too, my parents were great people and really the best parents but with four kids it gets easily overwhelming I figured

Leena was the oldest, so she kind of had that going for her, Tanner had being the youngest going for him and Walker had all the acting and being in this amazing things with amazing people for him, so he automatically got more attention

I kind of learned to do stuff on my own after that, I tried not to put much pressure on my parents because they had their hands full with all that new acting thing

I tried to prove myself through getting good grades and helping out here and there, I started working a little at moms friends bakery to try and find an escape from my thoughts and I eventually started writing songs, I couldn't stop writing them because they put something on paper that I wasn't capable of saying out loud

I had always dreamed about being someone known, someone people would recognise on the streets and would talk about and hope to see one day

I became the biggest Taylor Swift fan in 2012 when I was three and red got released and I used to give little concerts in the living room and dance around in Walker and Is room, I used to wish to be someone like her, someone meaningful

When Walker got his first role in the Adam project I envied him, then hated him for it and then eventually gave up on my dream of being known and gave all my support to Walker, he deserved it.

I might not say it often but I'm not sure where I would be without Walker. I would certainly be completely lost in life

"What about this ?" We agreed on a Lego Star Wars set, paid for it and then went outside

"Remember when nana used to buy us Lego ninjago things once a month" I grinned as we walked out the store

"Of course, best day of the month every time"

Authors note:
Twin content !! I repeat TWIN CONTENCT WHOOP WHOOP !!!!
Also a little backstory on our Belle here 🥳🥳
And what if I told you I settled for a name for the Walker fanfic OC ? 🤭
I will not start writing that before finishing this though cause that would lead to me losing interest in both of them

Sunshine, Starlight | Aryan Simhadri Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora