Part 77

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"I hate saying goodbye so often" I mutter hugging Neisha who drove us to the airport

"You can't even imagine how bad I wish you lived here girl" We let go of the hug and I look over at Aryan who was still talking to Walker

"God this is gonna hurt" I watch Aryan laugh at something my brother just said and it physically pains me that I will not just see him again tomorrow

They finish their conversation, whatever they were talking about and Aryan looks over to me, he lets out a sigh and walks over to me

"There we go again huh ?" He tries to play it cool with a laugh but I don't budge, I bit my inner cheek on one side and just look at him until he pulls me into a hug. I close my eyes to just soak in as much of him as I can before I have to leave

"You did the goat walk again" i whispered against his neck and I felt him laugh slightly

"Only for you love" I feel like melting again when he calls me love, but I totally keep my cool 100 percent

"God I'm gonna miss you"

"I'm gonna miss you too sunshine" we stay in the hug for a long time before breaking apart and just standing like that our faces inches apart, I reach one hand and place it on his neck pushing him a little closer to me and connecting our lips


"Shut up dude this is cute let them have this"


Out lips separated but we stayed that close with our foreheads connected

"We'll see each other again, soon"

"Soon" I repeat "I love you"

"I love you"

Goodbyes were always way too painful, why would I fall for my co-star and not just some random guy from my school that I'll see every day

We got into the airplane and found our seats, Walker was sitting to my right and I actually got a window seat

"I still can't believe you two are dating" I looked at Walker who was scrunching his face now

"We've been over this Walker"

"I know, it's just still..."

"Thank you for not actually killing him"

"I wanted to, I really did. But I got a few punches in" my eyes widened now

"You what ?" He shrugged with a proud grin "Walker"

"Yeah while you were slowly making your way to your room I got a headstart" I looked at him in disbelief

"You've got to be kidding me" my twin just shook his head obviously not feeling bad at all "Walker why would you hit Aryan"

"Because I had told him you're off limits"

"And I had told you to not get into my personal private life too much"

"I'm a) your brother and b) your twin, it's like my entire thing to get into your personal private life"

"Well get yourself another thing then and stop being a creep"

"Last time I let you be you know what happened"

"Well you can't compare Aryan to Jason"

"Can't I ? Because it's exactly what you've been doing every time we talked after I found out about it" I stopped, I didn't even know what to say, I thought about it and he was right, all I have been thinking was Jason never did this, Jason would not do that, Jason has never done that, Jason always did this

I stayed quiet after that because that literally consumed my entire thought process

Was that bad ? It seemed really bad. What am I doing anyways ? I'm not ready for a relationship, I'm still feeling too much about the last one, not good feelings but how could that be all I was thinking ?

How could Jason still be in so many of my thoughts

"Belle ?" I looked over to Walker "I didn't mean it like that" I didn't say anything and just looked at him "I'm sorry ?"

"No you're fine, you're right maybe... maybe this is wrong"

"What ?! Oh you've got to be kidding me it's no fun to mess with you when you're so insecure about shit, I'm messing with you. I always am I thought you know by now"

"I do know, but you're also just right I have been comparing him to Jason a lot"

"But that's normal. I think" he frowned a little "not my point, my point is if you break up with him now it'll be my fault, so just don't do that."

"You're such an asshole Walker, I'm out here questioning my entire relationship and you're worried about you feeling bad ?" I laugh and he just shrugs "you're such an idiot"


"You're just mad cause you never pull anyone"

"Says who ?" I raise my eyebrows but he just shrugs and turns away

"Walker" he doesn't respond and reaches for his phone but I take it out of his hand "Walker William Scobell, talk."

"It's like not that big of a deal" I smile my jaw dropping a little

"You let me decide if it's that big of a deal or not"

"There's this girl, we've been texting a little back and forth nothing big I told you"

"Well now I need to see what you've been texting"

"I will not show you my texts"

"Got something to hide ?"

"Ew no ?"

"Then show me"

"You have my phone" he said pointing to the phone I was holding away from him with his eyes. I roll my eyes and give it to him watching him unlock it and open Instagram direct messages, he passes me the phone and I read a little through their conversations

"You've been like flirting a lot, who knew that you could flirt ?" I comment still reading through the chat "is that her ?" I ask showing him a picture and he nods slightly "god she's gorgeous, how is she interested in you ?"

"She's cute" he shrugs taking the phone away from me

"You're blushing" I grin watching him roll his eyes again "aww walkers got a crush"

"Shut up"

Authors note:
I'm running out of ideas yall 💀
(It is probably just because I'm too stressed about my exams rn)
I only have like half a chapter written and it's starting to add onto me stressing 😭
Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter 🫶🪻

Sunshine, Starlight | Aryan Simhadri Where stories live. Discover now