Part 76

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"You didn't" I say as I step the last step down and standing still there, Aryan was standing there with the most beautiful flowers and a gift bag a few feet in front of me

"I did" I bite my lip slightly to lower the huge grin and walk the few steps to him, I lean my crutches to the wall beside me and just wrap my arms around him, I feel his arms wrap around me with the flowers and bag still in his hand "happy 1 month" he whispers making my grin widen even more

"1 month huh ?"

"That's crazy isn't it ?" We let go of the hug, he keeps his arms around me a bit to not make me lose my balance and kisses me, I smile happily returning the kiss

"Eww" we don't let go immediately but a little after hearing Walker make disgusted noises

"Stop being a baby Walker" I say rolling my eyes and grabbing my crutches again

"You stop being so disgusting then" we get into the living room and I sit down on the couch, Aryan sitting next to me and handing me the gift bag first

"You didn't have to get me anything you know ?"

"I wanted to" I smiled opening the bag carefully, my mouth turning into an o seeing the present inside I pulled the blue koala stuffed animal

"Oh this is so cute" I hug it tightly looking at Aryan who was just smiling "I love it thank you"

"It made me think of you and you love stuffed animals"

"I really do, your gift is upstairs I'll give it to you later okay ?"

"You didn't have to get me anything"

"I wanted to"


"Go get a life Walker" Aryan said as his mother came into the room and looked at us slightly

"Gifts ? Is it a birthday ?"

"Uh, good question" Aryan nodded looking a little lost

"1 year anniversary, can't believe it's been an entire year" I lied straight through my teeth

"It's been a year already ? Oh I can't believe it you two congratulations"

"Thanks, I really can't believe it either" I smile at her nodding, she left the room again and I let out a sigh "well, there goes that"

"How did you just come up with a lie so quick"

"I honestly don't even know" I turn back to the stuffed animal

"She's always been able to do that it's really annoying, pathological liar" Walker said flicking my forehead

"Pathological people pleaser, who only wanted you to see her and I'm fading thinking" I didn't even think before starting to sing the lyrics I wrote ages ago, I looked up to find Aryan grinning widely at me

"You know, that was the first song you ever sang to me ?"I think about it for a second before the memory comes back to my mind

"The day after the premiere when you brought me a piece of cake and said it reminded you of me" I grinned back, the doorbell rang and Walker jumped up muttering something as he walked to the door. Neisha was gonna spend time with Walker today so Aryan and I could do something together

"I heard you're making this poor guy here feel disgusted"

"Walkers just weird we're not even doing anything" Aryan responds to his cousin as she just fist bumps both of us before sitting down somewhere

"So what are your plans today ?" Aryan shrugs with a grin on his face


"I would be careful Belle that sounds like he's gonna kidnap you" I laughed slightly at Neisha who was also smiling

"I have got these weapons he can't do nothing" I say pointing at my crutches

"I mean I could leave you in a forest and just run"I narrow my eyes down to Aryan

"You wouldn't though"

"Do it." We both look over at walker who's just smiling

"Looking after Walker has started feeling a lot like watching a toddler Neisha I'd like to warn you about this now"

"I'm an aunt to a real toddler Belle nothing feels like that, you can't even imagine how devilish those tiny creatures are" She looked like she was haunted by memories but shook her head and turned to Walker "anyways, let's go I have planned fun things"

"That basically means it's gonna be boring as shit" Aryan shrugged leading to Neisha throwing a pillow at him "ouch, no reason to do that"

"I'm doing you a favour here, Walkers more fun than you anyways let's just exchange them, you take Aryan with you and I'll keep Walker here" she puts an arm around my twins shoulder who looked a little lost (who's surprised ?)

"Hey have fun, enjoy the day or whatever" Aryan said as the two of them made their way outside

I got up while he was walking the two out and went upstairs to grab his gift

"Belle ?"

"I'll be there in a minute" I took the box and started walking downstairs carefully, midway a wave of dizziness and a stabbing headache hit me randomly, I closed my eyes and sat down taking a deep breath. One of my crutches slid a few steps down making some noises

"What-n hey are you okay ?" Aryan came up and sat on the step beside me

"Yeah I just got a little dizzy"

"Take your time love" he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and placed my head on his shoulder gently. I couldn't pretend him calling me love did not make my heart flutter.

"I just wanted to get your gift" I say after a minute finally lifting my head back up and taking the box I had placed on the step above mine and handing it to him. He looked at me first before opening the bow of the box and then taking the lid of

He took the bracelet out first holding it up and grinning. It was a friendship bracelet with > C 🤍< beads in the middle

"I thought since I had your Aryan one you should wear one with my C" I smile holding up my bracelet "you can just put it somewhere you don't have to actually wear it" I added quickly but he put it on his arm and gave me a quick kiss

"I wouldn't dare to take it off" he looked into the box again and saw a smaller box, he took it out and opened it revealing a bunch of pictures of us on like Polaroid frames with Spotify codes on the bottom

Authors note:
I actually got a blue koala yall I love her (my little karma)
Anyways a cute Aryan and Belle chapter that I had entirely not planned but whatever it's cute😋

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