Madge and Kal's Family

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Food arrived for the family in seclusion, but it was not the fare of the royal table and carried nothing on it but the simple food one might find at an inn whilst traveling. Meat and bean stew, stiff bread, ale, and not much else. The food was not seasoned, and the stew was more bean than meat.

"Is this really how we're to eat while we are staying at the Queen's invitation?"

The next time the Mistress of the Household unlocked their door, they ambushed her with claims of feeling insulted by the food and the treatment, and demanded to know when they would see the Queen.

Madge blinked at them. Kal had told her that her parents were odious, but she had not truly been prepared. As she directed a maid to gather dishes onto a cart, she narrowed her eyes at Kal's mother and father.

"It is an honor for you to be here at all," she said haughtily, "and you are demanding better than the Queen is providing you? Are you truly questioning your regent?"

That got a heavy silence.

"I didn't think so," Madge snapped. "If I were you, I would appreciate what you're getting and wait your turn, for it is coming, and you will want to be ready for it."

Kal's mother huffed. "We expected to see the Queen tonight."

"Hah!" Madge scoffed. "Guests you may be, but no one just sees the Queen when they want. You'll be called on when she is ready and not a moment sooner, and you'll be locked in your chambers until that time. Is that clear?"

"Why are we being treated as prisoners?"

"Lavish trappings for prisoners, wouldn't you say?"

"I simply want to know why I cannot just wander—"

"The Queen's home is not yours to wander," Madge said. She finished helping the maid clear dishes, and they left fresh water pitchers and linens for their guests. "Rest assured you shall not be forgotten about. You do have special invitations, after all, and you shall want to prepare yourselves for that."

"Oh! Yes, yes! We are grateful for these nice invitations, so beautiful and gilt—"

"Then show your gratefulness by accepting what is given without complaint," Madge told them. "We are only doing our jobs and following orders."

And with that, the cart of dishes and its attending staff left the room, and the doors were locked once more.

Madge parted ways from the cart and took herself to the Queen's Suite, where she heard the Queen and Kal splashing in the Queen's spacious bath. She stood outside of the curtains separating them from the rest of the world and cleared her throat tentatively.

"Ah, Madge!" Her Majesty called. "You may come forward."

Madge stepped into this private space, and saw the two women cuddling in the steaming water. It did her heart good to see her Queen so exuberantly happy. "Your special guests have arrived and are settled away snug and sound, as per your direction," she said delicately.

Kal looked at Finnula. "Special guests?"

Finnula gave her a mysterious smile and a kiss. Then she told Madge, "Thank you. You may go. I shall send you more orders in the morning."

The Mistress of the Household bobbed a curtsy and left.

Lianne watched the Mistress leave the Queen's Suite, and wondered why, just why the Queen had ordered the expedient whisking away of the Girl's parents to the palace. She had her theories, but she had no idea what the Queen's end game was here. She could only wait and watch.

The Queen's GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon