The Invitation

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The shiniest invitations were sent out in the next coming days, gilt with gold, the calligraphy exquisite. A beautiful ball introducing the newest member of the Queen's inner court. Certainly an event that no one wanted to miss. A new member of the Queen's inner court meant that there was a fresh face to capitulate to and try to gain the favor of. There was also plenty of gossip.

"Who is this Girl?" Was the main question on everyone's mind.

No three people were more excited to receive their invitations than the family that had once been visitors of Princess Yulia. They had tried many times to talk to the Princess, to get any kind of good word put in with the court for invitations of their own, but they needn't have bothered. A trio of special invitations found their way to them without trouble.

In fact, it was odd how speedily they were whisked to their inn's room door. Or at least, they would have thought again about their invitations had they not been so high on their own satisfaction.

"To the established family," the invitation read, "the Court of this Illustrious Country invites you to spend a week in style at the palace of Her Majesty the Queen. Please respond as soon as possible by coming to the palace forthwith, upon orders of the Royal Hand."

Were they in any way discerning, they would have asked why they were supposed to respond forthwith. Instead, they chortled over how it was long overdue. How their exceptional child was finally receiving the recognition they deserved. How the family was at last moving up in ranks.

It was too good to be true. And as with most things that are, it most certainly was.

The family certainly didn't think so. They used a stupid amount of money to hire a fancy-looking rickshaw and had themselves delivered to the palace in style, wearing their best velvets, silks, and feathers. The rickshaw driver gave them looks, but the lady of the family chided him. "Fix your face, driver," she snapped. "This my child will be a duke some day!"

The rickshaw driver brought them round the palace courtyard to a puddle for the kind lady to exit into.

The palace was the most beautiful place they had ever seen, ever, and they had eyes as wide as saucers. They commented loudly on every room, every hallway even, and they were brought to a suite of rooms in a lonesome hallway curiously empty of any guests. Weren't there…guests arriving, for the ball? Perhaps they were the first!

What worried them the most, however, was the fact that once they were in their suite, the Mistress of the Household locked the doors after her.

"What? Why are we locked in?"

"I'm not sure, is this done?"

"Perhaps there's some reason why!"

"Yes, but what reason would they have?"

"I don't know, how would I know?"

"Are we going to be fed, do you think?"

"Of course we are. Don't be stupid."

"I'm fearful, Father."

"Shut up, you nonce, and start rehearsing your speech to the Queen."

The Queen's GirlOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant