Chapter : 18

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Jeonghan cleared his throat, drawing attention to a small blonde with a headset. She gave him the 'one moment' finger.

After a second, she flicked her gaze up at him, a smile coming alive on her face as if he'd triggered some kind of sequence. "Hi, how can I help you?"

"I'm here to see Choi Seungcheol."

"Oh," she said, surprised. "Is Dr. Choi expecting you?"

Definitely fucking not. Jeonghan wasn't even expecting to be there. "No, but if you could tell him Yoon Jeonghan is here. I think he'll make time to see me."

She frowned at that but gave a stilted nod, clicking a button. "Hi, Dr. Choi—yes, sir. I know you said you didn't want to be disturbed but there's a man here to see you." She paused as she listened. "Yes, sir, but he said you'd make an exception. His name is Jeonghan."

Her eyes went comically wide. "Yes. Okay." She looked at Jeonghan with a newfound interest. "Once I buzz you back, make a left, and then another left. Look for the large office at the dead end. Dr. Choi said he'll be right with you."

Jeonghan followed the woman's instructions, letting himself into the modest sized office. The size was where that modesty stopped. The entire wall behind Seungcheol's desk was covered in degrees and accolades. There must have been a hundred of them. Jeonghan couldn't help but smile. He certainly had a psychopath's ego. Normally, Jeonghan would say he was overcompensating for something, but having seen the man pantless, it wasn't that.

Before he could fall too deeply down that rabbit hole, the door flew open. Seungcheol entered, closing the door firmly behind him and then locking it. Interesting. Seeing him up close again was a shock to Jeonghan's senses, his body instantly aware.

He watched as the older man shirked off his lab coat, hanging it beside a tweed blazer. He wore a crisp white button down and tailored houndstooth dress pants that clung to his thighs and cupped his ass. Tortoiseshell frames highlighted his pretty brown eyes. Jeonghan caught a whiff of expensive cologne as he passed.

Seungcheol didn't sit at his desk, just perched on the corner, crossing his arms. "How did you find me?"

Jeonghan smirked. "I have my ways. So, you're a doctor and a doctor, huh?"

"What is this? You figured out my father's rich and you're here to blackmail me?"

Jeonghan chuckled, floating closer, enjoying the way the other man bristled when he entered his personal space. "Blackmail you for what? I'm the one who killed Trevor. You just ate a granola bar. How would my turning you in benefit me?"

"So, why are you here?" he asked in a prissy tone that went straight to Jeonghan's dick.

"Honestly," Jeonghan said, stepping between Seungcheol's splayed knees, "I have no idea. You're kind of under my skin. I think it's the dimples . I'm a sucker for dimples."

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