Chapter 4

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Jen's POV
I still I have arms around colin and his are around me. I can feel him stroking my back ever so slightly. I lift my head up to look at him and I have to use everything in me not to kiss him.

"Colin, can I ask..." His lips crashed onto mine and kissed me like his life depended on it. I kissed back just as much as he was kissing me.

Colin's POV
"Colin, can I ask..." Without even realising I crashed my lips against Jen's but she was kissing me back. I'm shocked because I thought she would push me off her. But she hasn't!

Jen realised that we were stood in the corridor so she breaks the kiss, takes my hand and leads me into her room. She closed the door and began kissing me again. She pulls me over to the sofa and sits us both down. She ran her hands through my hair and I'm playing with hers. I never want this kiss to end and I don't think Jen wants it to either.

The kiss got more and more passionate by the second and this made me want Jen even more.
"Jen?" I said in between kisses.
"Shut up!" She smiled playfully. A she wants to do is kiss me so I decided to play a little game, just to tease her.

I sit up and break from the kiss. Jen comes forward towards me again and I pretend to go back into another kiss but instead I reach for my phone.
"Colin!" She whines and I laugh playfully and place my hand on her cheek and she kisses my hand and goes back in for another kiss, this kiss was different from the first one it felt like love. I think I'm in love with Jen.

""WHAT IS GOING ON?"" Lana had just walked into Jen's dressing room and we both froze.

Jen's POV
"WHAT IS GOING ON?" Lana had walked in on us. I break from the kiss and froze I couldn't believe this was all happening. Why would I just start kissing him like that and more impiety would her start kissing me like that!

I stood up and ran out of the dressing room. I went to tidy myself up and Lana had followed me there.
"Lana, I can explain. It was a one time thing it meant nothing honestly." I saw someone in the corner of my eye, it was colin it had heard everything I just said and he looked hurt.

"Jen why did you do that, even if was a one time thing, why did you do it? You shouldn't be doing stuff like this when you already have a boyfriend and he has a wife!" Lana walked closer towards me and whispered "do you love colin?"

"I......I don't know..... No I don't..... I probably did that because I'm missing Home  and colin was just there when I felt the most upset." I looked at Lana with confusion and she just smiled at me.
"Okay!" I don't want colin getting hurt now because of all of this.

I see colin and start to walk over to him but he just turns and walks the other way. He is trying to avoid me.
"Colin can I talk to you for a moment ?"
"Sorry I can't, us talking is just a one time thing, so we can't do it again." I don't even care what colin just said I made sure no one was looking, I took his hand and lead him away from all the fans.

"Colin I'm so sorry, I told Lana a bunch of lies, it wasn't just a one time thing but I'm confused about something's and......"

HI!! So what do you think of this chapter? Sorry I wasn't able to get one up quicker but I will try my best to update soon! :) so what do you think Jen is going to say and who do you think is her boyfriend is??? Please comment and vote!

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