Chapter 2

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Jen's POV

Colin helped me out of the car and the fangirls went wild. I smiled and waved at all of the fans, they are all very supportive and I love them all because of it. "Come on princess, let's go and sign some autographs before we go in" colin winked. He just called me princess, why would he call me that? Maybe he is just getting into character or something.

We went over to take photos with the fans and sign autographs. There were not many bodyguards there because we were told we weren't supposed to it and just go straight into the building. The only thing between us and the fans is a metal gate and people were pushing and shoving trying to get near us. It is starting to get a bit overwhelming and I just want to go into the building now. I'm afraid just incase there are any haters and we don't have any bodyguards with us.

"Come on Jennifer, what's wrong with you sign out things, if you really truly cared about your fans you wouldn't just sat and there would you?" Someone shouted at me. I knew this would happen.

"Oi! If you were a true fan you wait patiently for her. She's human to, you know. Yeah she is amazing and everything but she's not a superhero she can't sign everyone's things in under a minute. We shouldn't even be here, but we love out fans so we thought we would come and see you, so please try and be nice, okay?" I was shocked I never thought colin would do that for me, but I was glad he did.

Colin came over to where I was stood and took hold of my arm.
"Are you okay Jen?" I nodded. "Come lets go inside." He turned around to the fans."we will see you inside guys, we would love to stay longer and chat but unfortunately we can't, we love you all" the crowd when wild yet again and colin still had hold of my arm and gently guided me inside.

Colin's POV
I gently guided Jen towards the building. I couldn't believe what that person had said I was very shocked so I had to say something because I know how upset Jen can be when it comes to haters.

We went to find out dressing rooms. Jen's was across the corridor from mine. "Colin, thank you" Jen whispered and gave me a quick hug.
"It's no problem, I wasn't going to let them speak to you like that." She released from the hug. I really wish it lasted longer. Wait no I didn't actually think that, did I? Me and Jen are just friends. I snapped quickly out of my thoughts, I did y realise I was staring at Jen.

"Thanks again Colin, your the bestest friend someone could ever have" she smiled at me and I smiled back. " I'm going to get ready now but I will see you in a minute" she turned around and went into her dressing room and I went into mine. We had half an hour until we have our panel together and I can't wait.

"Colin O'donoghue, it's time for you panel with Jennifer Morrison and Meghan ory." I nodded at the person to indicate I was coming. I sprayed on some after shave, the one Jennifer likes and I headed towards the stage.

Jen and Meghan were already stood there. I noticed Jen was wearing a new perfume and it smelt gorgeous. "Is that a new perfume Jennifer Morrison?" I teased. "Yes it is, how did you even realise?"

"You smell nice" I said and I knew what she was going to say next and that's why I said it.
"Oh so I don't normally smell nice, colin? That's it out friendship is over" she giggled. I pulled a sad face and it made her smile even more.
"Aww but I will miss you too much" I began to fake cry and she punched my shoulder playfully. We both started laughing.
"Are you nervous?" Jen asked. I shook my head. She gave me a look to indicate that she was nervous. My hand accidentally brushed past hers and unexpectedly she grabbed hold of it and gave it a squeeze.

"Everything will be okay, you know."
"Yeah I know I just panic sometimes" she still had hold of my hand and it took everything in my not to interlock our fingers.
"Are you all ready guys?" The stage director asked us. We all nodded and Meghan gave the thumbs up. We were about to go on stage when I realised we were still holding hands I let go.
"Don't worry I'm right behind you." I whispered into her ear. We walked towards the stage and and greeted people as we walked past. Meghan was eager to high five them all so she did a little speed walk past me. We got to the stage and took a seat. Meghan ended up sitting in the middle of us but I really wanted to sit by Jen.

"Good afternoon everyone, can we give a warm welcome to Jennifer Morrison, Meghan ory and Colin O'donogue." The presenter spoke cheerfully. I'm so excited for this!

HI! Thanks to all the people who are reding this, I hope you are enjoying it so far! Btw I didn't go to ft3 and I'm making all of this up so all the panel will be made up too! Please vote and comment, I love hearing feed back!


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