Chapter 1

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Colin's POV
I have been so excited for fairy tales 3, I get to see all the amazing fans and it is like a little reunion for the cast who I haven't seen in months and most of all I get to see Jen! I arrived in Paris yesterday but I got to caught up looking around Paris and meeting the fans but what I really wanted to do was go and see Jen. We are best friends and it's horrible when you haven't seen your best friends in months. So this morning I am going to go and say hi to her before we sent off the convention.

I went downstairs to where Jen's room was and I knocked on the door. I was there for about 50 seconds until JEN opened the door. She was already dressed and ready to go. She had her golden blonde hair down and was wearing a yellow dress. She was stunning. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Jen started to speak.

"Colin!" She shouted and tackled me for a bear hug. I hugged back, her hair smelt like strawberries and sweets.
"Hi Jen! It's been too long hasn't it?"he smiled. Jen nodded her. Head and smiled at me.
"Yes it has, even though it's been a couple of months and in those months we have spoken nearly every day, including Skype and FaceTime." She giggled. We released from the hug and Jen invited me into her room.

I sat down on the chair and Jen went over to the mirror to finish doing her makeup. "So, we have a panel with Meghan."
"Yes we do" I smirked. "How many Captainswan fans do you think there will be?" I replied. I saw her start to blush when I said captainswan and so I did my famous smirk.

Jen's POV
"How many captainswan fans do you think there will be?" I automatically blushed when he said the word captainswan and I no idea why that happened to me. It happenes when ever anyone says Colifer or captainswan. I can see colin doing his cute little smirk. Wait, no I didn't just say cute little smirk. I shook that thought out of my head and turned Round to look at colin who was still doing that famous smirk of his. I felt my cheeks burn, they have gone bright red.

"Probably loads, I mean who couldn't love Emma and Killian. They are just so cute together aren't they?" Colin nodded and I could see his face turning red. Why would his face turn red? I finished getting ready then colin drove us to the convention.

In the car colin decided to put the radio on and it was the song "Alright now" by Free Empire. I love this song so much and I started to tap my fingers on my knee in time with the music. I could hear colin beginning to sing along to the song. I have heard him a few times singing when I walk past his trailer, but this is the very first song he has sang in front of me.

"You do realise your an amazing singer, Colin" his cheeks started to go a light pink.
"Your only saying that to be nice" he gave out a nervous laugh.
"Honestly Colin,would I ever lie to you? And besides this is one of my favourite songs, so if you were singing it really bad I would have told you to shut up." I giggled and so did he.

About ten minutes later we arrived at the arena where the convention was being held.
"Here we go" Colin said. As soon as we turned into the car park where all the special guest parked, there were screams and chants and some people were crying.
"Prepare for the fangirls,Jen" I smiled and nodded my head at colin. He got out first and the crowd went wild and he came to help me out. He walked around to the other side of the car and the crowed quietened down and probably wondering what he was doing. He came and opened the door and I stepped out of the car. they were even bigger screams and people shouting when colin helped me out of his car.

HI! I hope you liked the first chapter, I will try and update as quick as I can but its hard with school and everything! Make sure to check out my other fanfics and please vote and comment I love reading your comments!


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