Only Hope

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How could I do that?

That would be too shameless and selfish of me.

If someone told me to forget about someone irreplaceable in my life. I would feel disgusted and I wouldn't want to ever see that person again. How could I ask him that? I looked down in shame. I can only hope that he would look at me and give me a chance.

My heart stung.

I can only hope...

"Why did you bring me out here?" I asked.

"..." He noticed that I changed the subject, "I thought I'd take you out for a ride." And luckily, he didn't pressure me into answering and played along.


"A ride?" I looked around, "Why?"

"So that you feel better," He scratched his cheek with his index finger, "I want you to feel better... But this is the only thing I could think of."


My heart did that thing again. It reignited the hope I was trying to bury.

He's doing this for me? Why? Why is he caring so much about me?

"On what?" But I didn't see any vehicles around. In a place like this, I guess a dirt bike would do good but there wasn't even a bike here.

"On me," He replied as he pointed at himself


"Excuse me," I looked at him in horror, "What did you say?"

He smirked, "You'll ride me," He replied and I looked at him with my mouth open and a frown.

I'm gonna ride him?

"You?" I blinked at him in confusion.



The evening air was thick with the scent of pine and earth, a welcome contrast to the oppressive atmosphere that had weighed down my heart for so long. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the forest in a cloak of twilight, I felt an unfamiliar sense of anticipation stir within me.

I sat on the edge of the porch, my fingers tracing idle patterns on the wooden railing, when Azef emerged from the shadows. His eyes held a mysterious glint as his wolf form trodded towards me.


He had transformed into a magnificent werewolf, his fur a shimmering blend of dusty and gray, his eyes still holding that familiar, reassuring warmth.

"Oh," I whispered,

He nodded at me, lowering his massive head to nuzzle my hand gently. Despite his formidable appearance, there was a gentleness in his movement. With a soft growl, he lowered himself to the ground, inviting me to climb onto his back.

"Are you sure?" I asked, hesitating for a moment. I don't know what had gotten into him and why he suddenly wanted to take me out for a ride but the thing is, I still agreed to it.

When he said that I get to ride him, I couldn't resist the offer.

He nodded at me and I nodded back.

Carefully, I climbed onto his back, my fingers gripping his fur as I settled myself securely. Once he was sure I was ready, Azef rose to his full height, the power in his muscles a palpable force beneath me.


I could tell he had a very strong form.

And then we were off, racing through the forest with a speed and grace that took my breath away.

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