Diablo's pawn

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Rimuru pov:

After punching veldora, I went to where he was thrown. After reaching that place I went to him and-

"WHAM" Punched him once more but caught his tail so he doesn't get thrown away again.

"THUD" I slammed him hard on the floor even though I knew that it won't do any damage to him but I still did.

To went my anger, I dragged him into the sky through his tail and after a while I came down at a high speed while still dragging veldora through his tail and-

"THUD!" With a loud crash, I slammed him once more but I still felt it wasn't enough. For some unknown reason, I couldn't control myself.

I heard ciel say something in my head but I couldn't hear it properly. All my senses are going numb. I can't see anything, I can't hear anything, I can't feel anything.

The only thing repeating in my mind is 'kill'....whom though? 'Kill...just kill. Kill them all. Destroy them. Kill those who hurt you. Destroy those who hurt your people.'

'Those who hurt you and those who hurt your people, kill them all, destroy them all.' Kill them? Destroy them? But whom and who are you?

'Forget about everything, give yourself up to me. Let me take control over you. Hehe he.' Who are you? 'I am your rage...your darkness. Now forget about everything and just sleep.'

A strange voice kept speaking in my head. It kept repeating the same thing again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Its annoying....stop.....stop it.....STOP IT!!

《..D..ue...t-o....me..ntal he-alth......ent-...ering sleep mode. 》Huh? Was that ci...e..l?


Veldora's pov:

Finally, I am getting revived. Even though I was able to see everything from inside Rimuru but experiencing everything by myself is something else.

I will make a grand entrance, just like those characters from the 'sacred-texts.' Will I look cool? Whom am I kidding with. Definitely, I storm dragon Veldora am the coolest.

But will Rimuru still be angry about last time? I Hope not cause' I don't want to face an angry Rimuru. Hoh? So it's finally time huh? Kuahahaha let's go!

"KUHU WUAHAHAHAHA I Veldora Tempest have been fully revived. Anyone who dares to oppose me shall perish. Kwa-ha-ha-ha! I announced my revival and made a grand entrance.

Khuahaha ha I knew it, I am the coolest. Hmm? There's someone in front of me? Wait, it Rimuru. Let's say hello to him. Wait...wait wait wait wait wait, why is preparing an atta-

"WHAM" Noise of a loud punch resonates throughout the space.

"KUHH" It hurts....ugh...Aw aw aw aw aw. It hurts, it hurts so much. Ugh...where am i though? Hmm? Ahh Rimuru is coming here, let's ask him first why he hit me.

Ahh he is finally here.....wait..wait wait-

"WHAM" Noise of another loud punch was heard.

"KUHH!" Aghh...It hurts, it hurts. Wait....Some thing's wrong. I can sense an unimaginable amount of rage from Rimuru through out connection. I was thinking that when-

"THUD" Veldora got slammed.

"KUHH....AGH" Ahh.. that was scary ya' know. Of course such things won't hurt me but it is still scary to get slammed suddenly.

RIMURU'S RAGE.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя