Birth of a beast. .

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Rimuru pov:

*sigh* It's finally over. That beast was sure the strongest opponent I have ever faced.

Even now my hands are shaking due to adrenaline rush but for some reason I still feel that it was too easy.

Wasn't this beast supposed to be stronger than me but when i fought it, I felt that i can beat it even without ciel's help but why? Ughh...tell me partner, why is it?

《It's because currently Ivaraj was severely weakened. Due to its powers being sealed inside the seal, Ivaraj couldn't use its full power.

After so long this seal got weakened and Ivaraj was able to utilise its 30% powers and fought master with those powers.》

Heh, so that's why huh? Well it was our profit anyways. Now i got Ivaraj's powers as well.

《Master, I would like to make some modifications with master's skills. Thus i want master's permission. Do you wish to continue with it? Yes/No》

Hmm...don't you think its dangerousto do it here? I mean we are in the middle of nowhere. I don't want anyone strong to come and attack me at my vulnerable moments.

《It's impossible as the megicules density and the pressures here us too much for anyone to live and the seal is still intact, even if barely but still it will stop anyone from entering this space.》

....*sigh* Ok if you say so. Do whatever you want and not only now but whenever you think my skills need work, you can do it. Just inform me before doing it okay?

《Yes....Thank you master》Ciel said the last part in low voice.

Hmmm....come again, what was it? What did you say? 《Nothing.》No you definitely said something. I am sure of it.

《Notice. It's just your imagination. 》Now don't go back to how you used to talk as Raphael.《Notice. Yes.》*Tch* whatever.

《Master it is suggested to take rest while the skills are being synthesised and separated.》Hmm..ok do what you think is good.

《......Yes. Entering sleep mode.》Thank you ci....e...l.......zzz...

《I manas ciel - ..............




《Good morning master. 》

Ahh..yeah good morning ciel. So how was it? Did you do, what you wanted to do with my skills?

《Yes. It was a success. Do you want me to give report first or teleporte you out of here.》

Hmm..first give me the report.

《Yes. As master had too many extra skills, so i merged all of them together to make a few unique skills and later sacrificed them to evolve master's Ultimate skill which was formerly known as Gluttonous king Beelzebub.

I sacrificed the Wisdom king Raphael-》

Wait right there!!


what do you mean by sacrificing Raphael? Wasn't Raphael you previous form before evolution into a manas?

《Yes, and?》

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