Answering some Questions.

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Hello there!

This isn't a chapter, It's for answering some questions.

So, you all had some questions like-

‌Rank of Rimuru right?

   _ So, the answer is, I wanted to make Rimuru a little stronger, to be able to have and control all those ultimate skills.
_ In anime and manga rimuru was C+ rank or B- rank after naming. But to make it interesting I made a little change.

‌Rimuru's power level.

_ So, I actually made him a little (too) powerful. He is currently a little stronger than Dagruel and a little weaker than Guy and Milim but he will still loose a direct one-o-one battle against them(now).

‌Rimuru's skills.

_ Well I gave him the Ultimate Skill- Lord Of Wisdom, Raphael, with slight changes and Ultimate Skill- Lord Of Gluttony, Beelzebuth, with also a little change, to make him stronger earlier than real story.

‌ Nations who attacked Tempest.

_ Well, some of you might be confused between- Western Union Council and Western Nations.

-Western Nations means, all of the nations located at the western part of the continent.

-Western Union Council means, a council of few Western Nation created solely to protect themselves from Eastern Empire's invasions and Guy's demon invasions, plus to protect themselves from great tenma war.

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