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Rimuru POV.:

Hmm.... Hey Ciel, how strong did I get, compared to when I fought Hinata??

《Master, you are now 25x stronger than the time, master faught, Hinata Sakaguchi.》

Ho?... ho,ho,ho I have become this stronger without even noticing hah? But I still have some troublesome enemies, such as Western Holy Church, Falmuth, and possibly heroes and other demon lords.'s too troublesome.

《Master doesn't need to be concerned about western holy church.》

Hmmm?? Why do you say so?

《Master, analysis of infinite imprisonment keeping veldora has been completed. Now storm dragon veldora can be released.》

Hoh.. truly? At least I can complete one promise I made. Let's teleport to the sealed cave and release him.


Suddenly a bluish magic circle appeared at the place Rimuru is standing and after a flash of blinding blue light, he disappeared from there leaving only destruction and chaos of once battlefield behind.


This cave is one of the most isolated places in this world because once there was a catastrophic class being sealed by an unknown hero. That catastrophic class being was none other than Storm Dragon Veldora.

The cave was totally dark there were no holes at walls or ceilings to give sunlight inside this cave. The only source of the light was the mysterious ores shining in this complete darkness.

This cave was totally dark and quiet. There was no sound inside the cave except the echoing voice of water droplets coming from the lake nearby.

If someone were to live here they would go insane with all this darkness and quiet. Then suddenly there started to begin the creation of a magic circle and after a blinding light Rimuru was standing there.

Hmmm...This sure brings back memories. It's been a while since I last visited this place.

It's still dark and creepy as it used to be, but it feels safe and warm and familiar even though I can't feel warm or cold due to thermal fluctuation resistance.

Well let's think about that later, first we should release 'him', after all it's been a while since I last saw him. And there is a possibility that he might help me with my revenge.

I hope he does...

Rimuru started to move even more deeper for more safety, because while releasing Veldora, Rimuru will be totally defenceless. So he had to be cautious of everything. After walking for a while he came across the place where Veldora previously was sealed.

Heh, this place hasn't changed a bit, it sure brings back memories.
Ciel, create an enhanced body double of mine as a vessel for him to reside.


A black vortex appears in front of Rimuru and after it dies down a clone was standing there.

Hoh... So this is how I look like now, huh? Hmm... I look handsome? Beautiful? I still look feminine even after my evolution. But still I look good and wait, do I look a little taller than before?

《Yes. Master is now 150cm tall.》

150cm hah?! Not bad. I am as tall as a teenager.


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