Chapter 8: Bullies 'n' Blackouts

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[Y/N POV, 1 year ago]

I woke up in total agony. I was thrown from my healing tube by an unknown force. Now exposed to dry air, I coughed up the liquid I was suspended in. My pain spiked, as my body felt like it was on fire outside of the constant soothing healing of the liquid. I kept my composure as best I could. The air was cold on my naked form, but my blood felt like it was boiling underneath my skin.

"Get up, boy." A smooth, calculating masculine voice commanded. I continued to cough. "I said UP!" The voice echoed throughout the room as he kicked me in the ribs on the word 'up'. I rolled over in pain, out of breath, but slowly stood up. "Good.."

"He is growing more responsive by the day, Watts." A feminine voice said. "And look at that.. A black bruise.. I can see my pet's essence already starting to take effect.." Her pale hand caressed my bruised ribs from this Watts' kick. Her touch was icy cold. I stared at the ground, watching the strange green liquid on me form a puddle underneath myself.

"I try to create the best of everything, My Queen." Watts said with a slight bow.

"Of course.." The 'Queen' circled me, inspecting me. "A strange specimen. Why him?"

"Well, to be frank, he was the youngest of all the bandit groups that were willing to trade with Tyrion, and my theory is that if they are young, the easier and more receptive they will be to the experimentation I'd be doing on the soul. This particular specimen caught my eye because he had not yet unlocked his aura, yet I can tell just from examining him that it is quite extraordinary." Watts explained. His talking droned on and on as he went into details about me to this woman. I blinked a few times and finally looked up. Watts and this woman were both looking at me.

Watts was a tall thin man with a very thick brown mustache and short brown hair. He wore a dark gray three piece suit with yellow trim, buttons, and a yellow undershirt underneath the vest.

The 'Queen' is what caught my eye. A pale woman with red irises and black sclera. Her hair was down, flowing to the ground, and she wore a thin black dress that hugged her every curve. Her veins were running black, and she smiled very politely as I looked up at her. If I weren't still in agony I might have blushed.

"Well, look who decided to finally pay respects to his creator." Watts spoke. He walked up to me slowly and started his daily inspection. He checked my mouth, eyes, arms, ears and pulse. "Seems to be in order.. but not the results I was expecting."

"Something wrong, Watts?" The Queen asked, not breaking eye contact with me.

"The boy seems to be reacting fairly well to the Grimm Essence tests. Seems we need to up the dosage." Watts explained.

"Or.." The Queen cut in. "I could try something, lest we kill the boy." She walked slowly towards me. I kept my composure as well as I could as I could feel the agony heating up as she approached me. My being was revolting against whatever she was, fighting to get away, but the injections from Watts seemed to be fighting against my natural instinct and trying to draw me closer. "Leave us."

"But Mistress-" Watts protested, but was cut off by a hand and a word.

"Now." She spoke, and that was final. Watts bowed, and left the testing chamber.

For a moment, we stood apart from each other, starting at each other in silence. She smirked after a moment and walked closer to me, slowly raising her hand. I fought to move, to run, to flee. I felt myself getting hungrier, as my body refused to answer my natural instinct. Her hand made contact with my chest, over my heart. She tisked and shook her head.

"I want you to make my dear Watts' life easier." She looked from her hand and then back to my eyes. "I will gift you something.. something powerful, and I will make you my weapon. You will yield to me, and only me, and that is our deal."

Experiment Gambit (Abused Experiment Male Reader x RWBY)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum