Chapter 5: Hatred

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I woke up in a daze. Hunger pulsated in my whole body, anxiety was flaring through the whole campus, which, in turn, made me yearn for any type of food. I threw on the uniform in my dresser, and blearily made my way to the dining facility that was offered to the school. A large hall filled with many tables and students chattering loudly. Anxiety pulsed through the whole building. My head pounded with fury and hunger as I shakily made my way through the line. The voice in my head fought to get out, but I resisted it as best I could. My vision became a tunnel, I grabbed anything and everything food wise, walked through the hall and sat down at an empty table. I shoveled the food into my mouth, which caused the voice and my headache to calm down a little bit, but each conversation carried with it a small flare of anxiety. Of course it would, it's the first day for so many first years, and first day back for regular school-goers. I blinked blearily as my eyes cleared and I noticed people staring at me. A lot of people. I looked at myself in my camera on my scroll, and saw I was COVERED in meat grease. I looked to my tray and saw a mess of slop. Eggs mixed with turkey, beef, pork, and all manner of meats which most of it ended up in my mouth or on my cheeks. I coughed loudly, grabbed a napkin from the dispenser on the table, and cleaned myself up. Luckily, I managed to miss getting my uniform dirty. I sighed loudly, and finished up eating as quietly and nonchalantly as I possibly could. It was hard. Heads and eyes kept turning towards me, which I attempted to ignore. Shade's voice came through clearly as I stood up and cleaned up my tray.

"We could feed on them, y'know?" Shade proposed.

"And become an Atlas plaything? No thanks." I muttered.

"You look crazy talking to yourself." Shade taunted. I ignored his comments and pulled out my schedule on my Scroll. "What's first, Combat or something boring?" After a few seconds of scrolling I found out I was with Group A of the first years. Professor Port... Grimm Anatomy.

"Doesn't seem so bad." I muttered. "Let's go." I followed the directions on my scroll and arrived to class ten minutes early. The class was slowly trickling in, and I sat on the second row, next to the wall. I leaned up against it. Ten minutes passed quickly and the bell rang. Professor Port stood up and began to walk to the front of the class.

"Welcome first years!" Professor Port spoke. His name was a good description of him. He was a portly middle aged man. Red cheeks, bushy eyebrows which covered his eyes, a large mustache and well groomed - if outdated - hair, all gray. He wore a crimson and gold trimmed uniform, which mimicked a navy officer of the Valerian fleet. Must have been a sailor. "I welcome you all to my class. Your heads are empty but will soon be crammed with knowledge of all walking creatures that pose a threat to you on your missions!" Port explained. "Now.. let's start with attendance!"

The next few boring minutes dragged on. Until RWBY and JNPR were called. They were absent.

"Interesting.." Professor Port said. "Well, education doesn't wait for the tardy-" The professor was cut off by eight bodies piling into the room. RWBY and JNPR arrived.

"S-sorry Professor! We were just unpacking and lost track of time and-" Ruby stammered, rubbing the back of her head awkwardly. Before she could continue, Professor Port held a finger out.

"It's alright, Miss Rose, please just take your seats and we will continue!" Port exclaimed. I watched Ruby and her team take a seat a row in front of me, team JNPR sat in the open seats next to me. The class continued.

"Monsters, deeeemons, prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey! Aha!" Professor Port Exclaimed. I internally rolled my eyes, and Shade begged to get out. "Ahhh... And you shall too upon graduating from this prestigious academy. Now, as I was saying, Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world. Our planet is absolutely teeming that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsman!" He pointed to himself, puffing his chest out. "Huntresses.." He winked at Yang who rolled her eyes and looked around awkwardly. "Individuals who have sword to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what, you ask? Why, the very world!"

Experiment Gambit (Abused Experiment Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now