chapter 47 : plan..

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Harry pov :

    Damn it !! can he still be alive ?...I wanted to see the failed thiwat !..that magic took almost 3 years of hardwork !...that was the most powerful magic I had I have to use it again! will take a lot of my energy ...I went to king ae ...I bowed to him ..he looked at me..

King ae - what do you want ?..

Harry - my lord said we will be leaving tomorrow...

King ae nodded...he got up and started walking away...does he know i am the one who used black magic on him ??... I think no's been a week already ..I pretended to fall and touched him using black magic on him ...he made me stand ..

King ae - walk carefully ...

Harry - forgive me my lord

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Harry - forgive me my lord...

He walked away ...what the hell ?...why is he not affected !...I looked at him..shit !!.. the ring !...maybe prince pete gave him that ring which is made by using his black magic for his protection...damn it !... I lost this chance ...

But wait ...I can kill prince pete can find me just like that because he uses Black magic too..what should I do ?...I don't want thiwat to die that soon ...I want him to feel pain ..the real pain...losing our family in front of our eyes..!...I smirked imagining him crying ..

I smirked imagining him crying

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I have to plan something big ...guess i have to use the master plan now ..I smiled..

Harry - you are gonna cry really bad queen thiwat ..just a few months...I don't care how many years it will take to get what's mine but i will wait king will be mine lord is only mine...what does thiwat know about love ?...I can kill for my lord and i can die for him too...

I smirked thinking my plan...I have to do's my last chance or never..I sent letters to the kingdom's..this is gonna be interesting...

Ae pov :

   Why is my king forcing me to wear this ring ?... I am wearing my engagement ring right ?...anyway i can't upset him...I have to wear this ..I went to my chamber to get clothes and sweets's for brother and brother in law...they are leaving already...I told guards to keep the gifts in their chariot ..

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