Chapter 26: Gone With The Wind

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As the scene shifted from the laboratory to the sealed conference room of the Federal Command Center, the palpable tension lingered in the air like an ominous cloud. Inside, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation, each ticking second from the clock on the wall echoing the weight of impending decisions.

Seated uncomfortably in his chair, the portly mayor longed for the familiar embrace of his spacious leather seat in the comfort of his office. Yet duty compelled him to preside over this crucial meeting, where the fate of countless lives hung in the balance.

The voice of Major General Yelizary, the military representative, resonated with authority born from years of service and a deep sense of duty ingrained in him since childhood. "This situation must be controlled," he stated firmly, his steely gaze meeting each person's eyes in the room. "The discovery of the spores and their impact cannot be leaked to the public."

Dr. James, the scientific advisor, urgently countered: "This is a significant scientific discovery! We cannot let fear hinder the progress of knowledge."

Across the table, the opposition leader, David Simmons, leaned forward, his brow furrowed with concern. As a former environmental activist turned politician, David's motivations were driven by a fervent belief in transparency and accountability.

"We must consider the environmental impact. If the spores escape, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Major General Yelizary interrupted him: "We have considered that. We will establish quarantine zones and strictly control the flow of information."

"People have the right to know the truth!" David asserted, his voice tinged with urgency. "You cannot conceal such matters."

General Yelizary glanced at the mayor, saw his grim face, and responded decisively: "Sir, our primary mission is to protect national security and public safety. Unnecessary panic will only cause chaos."

Dr. James stood his ground: "But if we can understand the spores, we might find a way to stop them."

The opposition leader supported James: "We cannot simply cover up the issue. We need an open discussion to find the best solution."

General Yelizary declared emphatically: "The discussion is over. We will handle this matter at the highest level of secrecy. Anyone who leaks information will face severe punishment."

Dr. James added: "Additionally, some novel organisms have been discovered at the site, like the monsters released from Pandora's box in the legends. We hope to conduct further research."

General Yelizary nodded: "Agreed, we will set up a separate military zone and recruit relevant scientists for the research."

The air in the conference room seemed to freeze, Dr Thomas and the opposition leader exchanged a helpless look, while the Major gripped his pen, seemingly contemplating the next step.

When the door of the conference room was firmly closed, only General Yelizary was left behind by the Major.

"General Yelizary, do you realize the seriousness of the issue?",the mayor's face was somber as he asked seriously.

"Yes, Mr. Mayor."

"We must take swift and decisive action to avoid a potential major incident."

"Yes, Mr. Mayor."

"Good, go and arrest the opposition leader immediately!"

"Yes, ah, what did you say?"

Outside, the world remained busy, and this secret would be deeply buried in this silent conference room, known only to time and its weight.

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