Chapter 9: The Invasion of the Coins

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The air was filled with a chilling coppery smell that grew stronger.

At last, nearly all the villagers were inside the building. From the last few, a pair of anxious eyes glanced nervously at A-Lai. They appeared eager to communicate something, yet were held back by shyness, unable to find their voice.

A-Lai felt someone watching him, even without turning around. But just as he was about to look, the girl turned her head and slipped through the door. He watched the familiar sight of her back and long black hair vanish from his view. A-Lai started to raise his hand without thinking, but then he stopped, leaving it hanging in the air.

The headmaster was very sweaty and kept watching the villagers and the two guards.

"A-Lai, Dizzy Dan, hurry back! Don't be reckless!" The headmaster shouted behind them, but it seemed Dizzy Dan didn't hear a thing.

Meanwhile, outside the main gate, the wolves' eyes glowed red as they surrounded the entrance. They moved with stealth and grace, some leaping over the gate, others knocking down obstacles, all without a sound.

"Lord, why don't we attack now? There are only two of them," whispered a voice from the dark forest, eyeing the battlefield.

"It is no fun at all, patience. Let's see what tricks they have first. We've given shelter to those coins; it's time they repaid us. How long do you think the two will last?"

"Not long. Ten minutes at most."

As they gazed at the cascade of coins glinting in the moonlight, A-Lai's voice trembled, caught between dread and excitement. "Uncle Dan, is it too late to quit the fight?"

Dan met A-Lai's gaze, seeing not fear, but a gleam of eagerness. "You little trickster," he said, his eyes dancing with mischief as they surveyed the distance. With a sly grin, he added, "Brace yourself, the true adventure is just around the corner!"

Stepping back, A-Lai's thoughts whirled. "It's like stepping into a tale of heroes. May I be the hero of this story."

Chuckling, Dan replied, "Ah, lad, today you're the hero's trusty companion!"

With that, Dan launched into action, his boots thudding against the coin creatures, his wooden staff pounding the earth with a resounding thud.

And so, the battle commenced.

A-Lai and Dizzy Dan stood shoulder to shoulder, their silhouettes outlined by the flames. Their eyes didn't betray fear but shone with a resolute spark, ready to face whatever the night had in store.

"Dan! A-Lai! Come back!" the headmaster called out in distress.

A-Lai glanced quietly at Dizzy Dan, whose eyes held only excitement.

"Headmaster, you go inside first. I want to see if the wolves are afraid of people!"

Dizzy Dan, the cherished youngest of the family, grew up with every wish fulfilled, basking in the affection and protection of his older siblings.

His prowess in martial arts was unmatched, earning him admiration from local kids, the pride of his master, and the family's dreams rested on his shoulders.

Such unwavering support shaped his will; once Dan set his mind to something, he was unstoppable.

The swarm of coin creatures began their assault, their movements starting as a gentle tremble. Gradually, they swirled faster, spinning into a frenzied whirlwind that screeched through the air. At the peak of their velocity, they launched in erratic patterns, akin to a ninja's shuriken—cunning and lethal.

A-Lai sensed a gentle breeze brushing past his ear, which was quickly accompanied by a muted thump on the school's wall. As seconds ticked by, the atmosphere became thick with an escalating symphony of sharp whistles, echoing the chaotic dance of wild bees filling the emptiness around him.

The villagers, huddled behind their windows, watched with bated breath. Their eyes widened in a mix of fear and curiosity as the strange whistles intensified. Some clutched their loved ones closer, while others whispered prayers under their breath. The bravest among them cracked their windows open just a sliver, trying to catch a glimpse of the source of the commotion.

Yet, all they could see were shadows flitting across the schoolyard, as elusive as the whispers of the wind itself. The tension was palpable, hanging heavy like a shroud over the village, as every soul waited for what would happen next.

Initially, A-Lai attempted to grab the coin dart, but as the attack unfolded, he quickly shifted to evasion. In no time, he was twirling his spear rapidly, creating a barrier like a tornado around him. This defense set off a chorus of metallic sounds. For someone new to combat, this was an overwhelming and challenging first encounter.

Dan observed A-Lai's tactics in the battle and recognized that combat rapidly forges skilled warriors.

Impressed, he thought, "This boy is clever! I need to figure out how to handle this." Dan picked up a fire stick with his right hand to better focus on the assailants. His rolls on the ground were effective in dodging the swift attackers.

Before long, Dan saw that A-Lai had begun to send the coins flying back at their source, leading to yelps of pain from the wolves watching. It seemed as if they were blaming their own comrades for their misfortune.

"Lord, these two are tough, Ouch! something hit me!" grunted a wolf, clutching his ear as a shadow grazed him, leaving a trail of blood on his hand.

"Fools!" the Lord's voice seethed with irritation. Ten minutes had slipped by, yet the duo in the field seemed to be enjoying themselves, untouched by fear.

Dan's fighting spirit surged. He tuned into the sound of the coins, mirroring A-Lai's moves. With skill, he redirected the deadly coins back at their throwers, much like a baseball player hitting a home run.

"Gone! Home run!"

"Yes! Outta here! What a blast!"

"Did you see that? Right into the stands!"

Each hit was met with the wolves' anguished howls, and Dan couldn't help but yell out in victory.

"Look who's the martial arts champ now!"

A wolf howled, and the remaining fast-moving coins slowed down, shifting toward the academy walls. They crawled up the school's outer walls, moving in a disorderly manner, occasionally colliding and producing a harsh metallic sound.

By the time the people finally noticed they are so close, the walls were covered in a dense swarm of coins.

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