Chapter 31: La Chasse, le Festin, Notre Fin

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“Dear merciful Lord...”

Extreme cold. Numb feet. Freezing hands and a little prayer fighting its way out of her throat to be chanted.

“I cry out for your mercy.”

Eyes are struggling to stay open. Sight a little spinning. Body losing its balance.

“I appeal to your kindness.”

Her ears picked up a background noise of two people shouting—one attempting to settle while the other begged.

“Do not abandon me.”

Laura Lee stood up weakly after tripping on the snow for the fifth time, setting one foot in front of the other, and walked past Natalie and Taissa, who were still fighting over their next step.

While her busy arms carried the things they had just recovered, she struggled on dragging her whole body to move until they reached the cabin. 

Silence took over when the three girls got back to their wooden shelter.

Questions had been answered. Months of wondering finally ended. Yet another flickering light of their remaining hope completely vanished.

Sharp breaths, low sobs, and shaking palms pressed together with interlocked fingers centered on her chest for Laura Lee.

Cracking knuckles, blank mind, and trembling body for Natalie.

Head low, stifled cry, and restless feeling while pacing back and forth for Taissa.

Rage, confusion, denial, and numbness all over her system for Van.

Some triggering, yearning, and an awakened feeling for Misty.

All those emotions present altogether as everyone in the cabin stared in horror at the four items placed before them on their old and rotten oak table—

A ragged white shoe. 

A gold necklace. 

A torn and covered in holes cream shirt stained all over with dried blood. 

And a broken camera—its lens cracked open, looking a lot different from what they remember.

Then there was Lottie. Nothing but stillness in her.

Tension is forming in the atmosphere. They know it would only take one of them to break down, and the rest of them would surely follow.

They were feeling it.

“Where is Shauna?” Taissa asked, her lips quivering as she decided to end the long silence going on between all of them.

“Shack. Meat. Meal,” Akilah responded. She couldn’t even manage to answer in a full sentence, as her gaze was still fixed on the table.

Taissa exhaled slowly, relieved at the response she got from the younger girl. 

She ran both her hands to her face and pulled her own hair as she tried to compose herself again before speaking.

“Hide it. We can't let her see them. She-”

But as if on cue, the door suddenly bursts open.

Shauna, whose face was looking red in anger while holding a platter of thin strips of meat, entered the quiet cabin. 

Taissa quickly stood in front of the table to prevent the girl from seeing the items they had recovered during the hunt.

It's been three days since they went hunting in a group of three, taking over Travis’ position as Natalie's company. 

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