Chapter 11

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Kazmir cozart
Palmview correctional facility

KAZMIR SAT IN DR KIM'S OFFICE , fidgeting with his hands

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KAZMIR SAT IN DR KIM'S OFFICE , fidgeting with his hands. Dr. Kim, a middle-aged woman with a kind face, looked at him with a calm expression.

"So, Kazmir, what's been on your mind lately?" Dr. Kim asked.

Kazmir sighed. "Just feelin' stuck, Doc. Tryna make a change, but don't know how."

Dr. Kim nodded. "I feel you. You've been locked up for a minute, Kazmir. It's natural to feel restless. But you've made progress, too. You've been participatin' in programs, and you've been behavin' well."

Kazmir shrugged. "Yeah, but it ain't just 'bout gettin' outta here, Doc. It's 'bout makin' a life for myself when I do get out. And... there's someone I care 'bout."

Dr. Kim raised an eyebrow. "Someone? You mean a girl

Kazmir nodded, a small smile playin' on his lips. "Yeah. Her name's Kayori. We've been talkin' on the phone, she came and visited me Tuesday and... I don't know, man. I feel like she's the one."

Dr. Kim smiled. "That's great, Kazmir! It sounds like you've got a connection with her. What's your plan with Kayori?"

Kazmir's face lit up. "I'ma ask her out on a video call, Doc. But I wanna make it special, you feel me? So, I got the inmates in my block to help me out."

Dr. Kim's eyes widened in surprise the inmates ? How are they helpin' you?"

Kazmir grinned. "They're makin' me a big poster, Doc. They're gonna hold it up during the video call

Dr. Kim chuckled. "That's quite a creative plan, Kazmir! I hope it goes well for you."

Kazmir nodded, feelin' a sense of hope. "Me too, Doc. Me too."

Dr. Kim leaned forward. "Kazmir, can you tell me more about Kayori? What's she like?"

Kazmir's face softened. "She's very pretty, she's a lash and hair technician she has a lot of goals for herself and she's always there for me through everything she understands me "

Dr. Kim smiled. "That sounds beautiful, Kazmir. It's great that you've found someone who understands you."

Kazmir nodded, feelin' a sense of gratitude. "Yeah, Doc. "

Dr. Kim leaned back in her chair. "Well, Kazmir, it sounds like you've got a lot to look forward to. Keep workin' on your plan, and don't give up on yourself.

Kazmir nodded, feelin' a sense of determination. "I won't, Doc. I promise."

Dr. Kim smiled. "I'm glad to see you're feeling hopeful, Kazmir. Now, let's talk about your plan for asking Kayori out. What makes you think she'll say yes?"

Kazmir shrugged. "I don't know, Doc. I just got a feelin' about it. We've been talkin' for a while now, and I feel like we got a connection. Plus, my homies are helpin' me out, so I know it'll be special."

Dr. Kim nodded. "I see. Well, it's good that you're thinkin' positively. But have you thought about what might happen if she says no?"

Kazmir's face fell. "Nah, Doc. I ain't thought about that."

Dr. Kim leaned forward. "Kazmir, it's important to consider all possibilities. Rejection is a part of life, and it can be tough to handle. But it's also an opportunity to learn and grow."

Kazmir nodded slowly. "Yeah, Doc. I see what you mean."

Dr. Kim smiled. "Good. Now, let's brainstorm some ways to handle it if Kayori says no. What do you think you'll do?"

Kazmir thought for a moment. "I guess I'll just keep it movin', Doc. Keep workin' on myself and findin' ways to improve."

Dr. Kim nodded. "That's a great attitude, Kazmir. Remember, it's not about gettin' stuck on one person or one outcome. It's about keepin' movin' forward and findin' your own path."

Kazmir nodded, "Yeah, Doc. I got it."

As the session came to a close, Kazmir felt a sense of hope and determination.

He made his way to the computer terminal, his heart racin' with excitement. He logged in and checked his email, hopin' to see a message from Kayori. And it was ..

"Hey mir mir , I miss you "

Kazmir grinned, feelin' like the luckiest man alive. He quickly typed out a response, his fingers flyin' across the keyboard.

"Hey pretty girl I miss you more "

He hit send and leaned back in his chair, feelin' all sorts of emotions. He was excited, nervous, and hopeful all at once. He knew he had to make this right, and he couldn't wait to see Kayori's face on the video call.

As he sat there, he thought about how much he wanted to make this video call special. He wanted to find a way to make it feel like a real date, even if they were apart.

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