chapter 5 .

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* short chapter *
Im so sorry these chapters be so short , ain't too much shit to write about cause he's locked up *😂


SURROUNDED BY STARK , HARD , WHITE CONCRETE WALLS THAT SEEMED TO CLOSING IN TO HIM , Kazmir sat in the cold, sterile room, feeling isolated and alone, as he had been placed in segregation at the correctional facility, a harsh punishment that only ...

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SURROUNDED BY STARK , HARD , WHITE CONCRETE WALLS THAT SEEMED TO CLOSING IN TO HIM , Kazmir sat in the cold, sterile room, feeling isolated and alone, as he had been placed in segregation at the correctional facility, a harsh punishment that only added to his sense of despair and disconnection from the outside world.

A couple of weeks ago, Kazmir was placed in segregation due to a fight with another inmate. The altercation occurred because the other inmate had been making provocative remarks, which angered Kazmir and led him to engage in the physical altercation. no additional charges were filed against him due to his good behavior, and this incident marked the first time he had ever gotten into trouble.

Due to being placed in segregation, he was only allowed to have food delivered to him, had limited shower time, and was denied computer access, although he was still permitted to continue with therapy sessions with Dr. Rodriguez.

he felt a growing sense of isolation and despair creeping in, made worse by the meager rations and brief showers that left him feeling unclean and unwhole. He longed for a hot shower and a decent meal, but those were luxuries he couldn't afford right now, and even the thought of them seemed like a distant memory.

The door creaked open, revealing Corrections Officer Johnson standing in the doorway, his imposing figure framed by the stark contrast of the bright hallway behind him.

A hint of a smile on his face as he approached Kazmir. "Kazmir, I've got some news for you," he said, his voice a little softer than usual.

" Your appeal has been granted. You're being released from segregation, effective immediately. And to top it off, Dr. Rodriguez has recommended you for a transfer to a minimum-security facility. You'll be on your way to a fresh start in a matter of weeks"

As Kazmir heard the news that he would be transferring out of there  and getting out of segregation too soon, he felt a surge of excitement and anticipation  .

He couldn't wait to talk to Kayori and tell her . he had been missing her . He also had been counting down the days until he could talk to her again, and just hearing about his early release made him even more eager to hear her voice again.

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