chapter 4 .

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KAZMIR WAS CURRENTLY SITTING AT THE COMPUTER  , his eyes fixed on the screen as he engaged in a conversation with Kayori

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KAZMIR WAS CURRENTLY SITTING AT THE COMPUTER , his eyes fixed on the screen as he engaged in a conversation with Kayori.

After the first call , they talked daily when Kazmir was granted computer privileges .

He was currently observing her prepare for her next client, Kayori is a skilled lash technician and hair stylist who began her journey last year. She has been doing pretty well and aspires to save up enough money to open her own salon one day.

Kayori's passion for making people look and feel their best was evident in every aspect of her work, whether it be meticulously applying eyelash extensions or skillfully doing hair. Her dedication to honing her craft had led to great success within only a year of starting out on this career path.

Kazmir loved that about her and would do anything to support her, even while locked up.

She combined physical attractiveness with an unexpected level of emotional intelligence. Her self-awareness only made him more smitten.

He had  found himself drawn to kayori ; however, fearing rejection or ridicule from revealing such intimate feelings too soon without proper understanding between them first -decided against speaking up just yet while also being mindful not move faster than necessary since there were barely twelve months till his release.

As the video call was coming to an end, Kazmir
noticed that his computer's access time was almost up. Despite feeling sad about the impending disconnection, they both expressed their reluctance to stop talking and decided to bid each other farewell until they could speak again.

He glanced at the clock on the wall and realized it was already four in the afternoon.
The announcement for prisoners to head out to the courtyard boomed through the intercom shortly after. Right before he left the computer behind, an alert caught his eye - Kayori let him know she longed for him even though they just said goodbye not too long ago. Touched by her sentiment, he closed down the device with a hint of joy creeping onto his features.

As he walked through the corridor leading to the prison yard, Kazmir felt a sense of loneliness creeping up inside him once again.
Despite being surrounded by so many others like himself who were also serving time here at this correctional facility ., it seemed as though nobody truly cared about anyone else but themselves; friendships weren't worth much within these walls because everyone had ulterior motives that only served their own interests first above all else no matter what

Kazmir enjoyed visiting the prison yard, where he could relax and exercise in the limited sunlight they received.

Kazmir yearned for the freedom he once knew, but it was taken from him because of circumstances beyond his control. He found himself locked away, separated from everything and everyone he loved. The reason behind his confinement traced back to when he roamed the streets, living life on his terms.
Those who wanted to bring him down realized they couldn't reach him directly, so they targeted someone dear to Kazmir instead: his mother.

Tormented by guilt and regret, he blames himself for his mother's death , believing that staying off the streets might have spared her life.

He experienced tragedy before his mother passed away; while dating a girl carrying his first child—an expectant father excited for what lay ahead until it all came crushing down because unfortunately said partner perished prematurely alongside their little one following a terrible vehicle collision occurring early on within gestation period leaving behind shattered remains not only physically but mentally too making daily existence arduous amidst constant fights against inner demons spawned by harrowing experiences.

He lost not only one, but two of his best friends, with one carrying his child.

Therapy sessions with Dr. Rodriguez were a comforting escape from the harsh reality of his situation, providing him with much-needed emotional support.

Prison yard time was up, and it was time for the prisoners to eat. Kazmir loved this time because the food was prepared by black ladies and tasted delicious.

They only had a brief 30 minutes to consume their meals, and as the time passed by, it was time for Kazmir to return to his cell. He walked back alongside a guard who ensured he returned safely before locking up his cell once again.

he would find himself in his cell, lost in thoughts of Kayori. He wondered what she was doing at that exact moment and how she's been since they last talked.

While sitting on his cot with thoughts of Kayori filling his mind, he readied himself for yet another day in captivity.

- HEYY GUYS 🫠🫠🫠🫠how yall liking the book so far ?
- please excuse any mistakes for grammar and stuff cause I'm a lil slow .
- sorry for the short chapters too , ion even have the book planned out i just go to writing 😂
but i hope yall enjoyed, see yall next chapter 💕

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