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"Really...?" Jiaqi squinted her eyes at Xueer.

"Yes." Xueer nodded her head in confirmation.

Jiaqi turned her head to the side, seeming unsure.

"Here. Try... try again." Xueer offered, stretching her hands towards Jiaqi.

"I b-believe you! N-no need to try again." Jiaqi covered the bottom half of her face with her hand as her cheeks heated up.

The thought of hugging her again...

Jiaqi looked away from Xueer.

"....Really?" This time, Xueer was in disbelief.

She just believed me like that?

"Are you...sure?" Xueer asked to be certain.

Jiaqi gave tiny nods.

Xueer smiled.

"Okay." Softly, Xueer said.

A pause followed.

"So... who did you hug... Jiaqi?" Xueer asked.

"..." Jiaqi looked at Xueer who in turn, looked back at Jiaqi.


"XUEER!" Jiaqi threw herself at Xueer, almost toppling both of them over onto the bed.

"Calm down, Jiaqi. I'm sure that there is a very reasonable explanation-" Xueer patted Jiaqi.

Just then, knocking was heard coming from Xueer's door.




Xueer felt Jiaqi jump in her arms.

She is trembling... Maybe, I should have admitted that she was hugging me last night but who will believe that I was just tugging the blanket over her? Would Jiaqi believe me?

"I will go check..." Xueer whispered into Jiaqi's ear.

Jiaqi looked up at Xueer and nodded.

"I will hide you..." Xueer scooped Jiaqi into her arms and carried her to her closet.


"Xueer-" Jiaqi started by saying.

Xueer opened her closet and put the fox inside.

"If you are hidden, you should be safe. No matter what happens to me, don't come out." Xueer started fanning herself as tears gathered in her eyes.

"X-Xueer-r...?" Tears started pooling into Jiaqi's eyes too as she felt very touched by Xueer.

"Y-you are sacrificing yourself for m-me...?" A tear streamed down from Jiaqi's eye to her chin.

Xueer nodded as she bit her lips, and looked up, trying to stop her tears from rolling down her face.

"X-Xueer!" Jiaqi pulled Xueer into a hug and she nuzzled her face into Xueer's neck.

It feels exactly the same... I think that I really hugged Xueer last night...? But, Xueer said that it was not her, so it is not her... Now that there is knocking on the door, maybe the being that I hugged last night is here... and Xueer... Xueer cares about me alot so she is hiding me in her closet... to protect me... Xueer is really so sweet...

Jiaqi burst into silent tears, not wanting the being at the door to make contact with Xueer.

Feeling the dampness on her neck, Xueer stroked Jiaqi's hair before she pressed a kiss to Jiaqi's forehead.

A series of louder knocks reached both of their ears.

"Jiaqi... I think I will need to answer the door now..." Xueer tearfully looked at Jiaqi.

"Xueer..." Jiaqi gripped onto the back of Xueer's shirt.

"Jiaqi..." Xueer reluctantly pried Jiaqi's hands off her.

"Xueer...!" Jiaqi cried.

"Jiaqi...!" Xueer wiped the tears away from Jiaqi's face.

"I am going now..." Jiaqi held onto Xueer's hand, not letting her close the closet's doors on her.



Jiaqi reluctantly let go.

Xueer hesitantly closed the closet's doors on the fox.

The moment that Xueer turned her back on the closet with Jiaqi inside, Xueer's shoulders started shaking.

Xueer bit her lips to desperately fight against the laughter that was threatening to escape.

Since I told Jiaqi that it wasn't me last night... I must act the part otherwise, she might not believe me. But, I think this is too much, even for me, Kong Xueer.

Through a tiny opening from the closet, Jiaqi watched Xueer's shoulders shake and she hoped for the best as Xueer stepped out of view, to answer the door.

Not Sure, Not MeWhere stories live. Discover now