44. family line

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Rory believed that in order to survive in the world, a person needs to tell a lie or keep a secret. She didn't like the concept but so far it was what life has taught her. She had no problem lying to Miss Moore or Miss Farrow. She didn't mind lying to the other children at the home. So far she hasn't lied to her sisters or her friends, or if she has, those lies have not stayed uncovered for too long.

She was only counting hours until her new secret came out to her friends. Olive would take it quite well — she didn't like the Malfoys but didn't hate them either. Hermione on the other hand, Rory wasn't sure. It wasn't only Lucius and Narcissa but also Draco who is part of the deal. The boy has bullied Hermione mercilessly the past years. Rory liked to think that Hermione would understand but she couldn't blame her if she didn't — Rory wouldn't.

Then there was the other side of this mess where Rory was seeing Hermione Granger, a muggle girl. Although Rory didn't know too much about the history of the Malfoy family, she was quite certain that anyone from the family dating a muggle was unacceptable. The Malfoys were notoriously known for disliking muggles. They had no respect towards them and thought of them as less important.

"Where's your mind?"

Rory snapped out of her thoughts, realising she was standing just outside of King's Cross Station. People were walking in hurry, running to departing trains and hugging goodbye to their loved ones. Ever since meeting the Malfoys the day before, Rory's been in a trance much like her sisters. Their friends were worried about them — they could see something was wrong the second they saw them.

They were all lost in their heads, greeting their friends with absentminded smiles and empty eyes. Olive knew better than to ask questions. She's been friends with Rory and her sisters for a long time and knew when to be quiet. Like when Miss Moore had gone too physical with her punishments after the Christmas Holiday during Rory, Lara and Olive's first year of Hogwarts.

"Rory? What's going on?" Hermione asked for the fourth time in five minutes. She was aware of how Rory hated when people fussed over her but Hermione couldn't help but fear for the worst. She had every right to — Rory's life was complicated and bad things followed her wherever she went.

"Nothing," Rory shook her head. She couldn't bring herself to tell Hermione the news but also, she hated the idea of keeping it a secret. "I'm just tired."

Rory knew her excuse was a poor one and made Hermione suspicious. But she was tired though — tired of all the lies and secrets which have swallowed her whole. It's felt like days if not weeks have passed since the truth while it has only been two days. She was exhausted.

"Ummm we have to go and deal with something before the train boards," Effy announced.

Olive turned to the eldest March sister, her brows tightly knitted together. The sisters had grown up in the muggle world but so far they didn't have any connections to that world other than their past and present. They didn't have any friends from their previous school or any other obligations in the muggle world. The only person was Mr Bee but they would have said it if it was about him.

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