43. almost had it all

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almost had it all

The smell of old sewers was bad. There was snow everywhere but it wasn't a magical winter land they had come to but a gloomy looking area just outside a suburb. Andromeda and Ted Tonks were rather familiar with the mundanity of the muggle world whereas Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, not so much. Through Andromeda they knew the name of the children's home but the location was a bit off. There wasn't much information about Raffedy's Home for Children.

It was an odd sight to see — Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy with the Tonks. They weren't fighting or arguing but only stayed silent, walking around to find where the sisters were.

"I'm beginning to think you don't know as much as you pretend to, Andromeda," said Lucius after walking back and forth a block for the past fifteen minutes.

Andromeda huffed. "I know more than you do."

They walked around some more, wondering and looking around like lost children. The awkward silence between the two couples was interrupted by Narcissa who was sniffing or Lucius who sighed every chance he got. The search was honestly growing very tiresome, exhausting and desperate.

The whole situation was insane, near to lunacy. Just an hour ago Draco was their only child and now they have four daughters born before him, only they couldn't remember them. They were all aware that the girls look quite like Narcissa with their eyes and blonde hair, and Rory whose dark hair was from the house of Black.

Turning a corner they saw a man closing a door of a place that could possibly be a bookshop or some old antique shop. He was the first person they had encountered over their search for the girls' home.

"I'm so sorry to disturb you but do you have a minute to help us? We seem to be a bit lost," Andromeda approached the man.

Mr Bee turned to look over his shoulder, seeing the two couples near him. He gave them a curt smile before turning around to face them completely. Not too many people wandered around the neighbourhood for fun — only if they either lived there or were lost.

"Of course. How can I help?" Mr Bee asked.

"Thank you," sighed Andromeda, offering a kind smile to Mr Bee. "We are looking for Raffedy's Home for Children."

Mr Bee understood immediately. "It is rather hard to find if you haven't been there. Let me just lock up and I will show you."

The Malfoys and Tonks then followed Mr Bee in silence. Mr Bee could tell there was something odd about the two couples, especially the blonde ones. He didn't ask questions though. People didn't usually go and look for Raffedy — it wasn't the most popular children's home in England. Mr Bee walked ahead but kept looking over his shoulder to see the two couples walking behind him.

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