Ever since that first day, we have come so far. We've had so many memories, good and bad, and I wouldn't want it to have gone any other way.

I love Harry, and if I have to live knowing he never loved me back, I'm okay with it. It will never change the way I feel about him.

An overwhelming feeling took over my body as I look through the house, almost like something didn't seem right. Ignoring my mind playing tricks on me, I make a pot of tea to calm my nerves. 


I found out where Harry was earlier today- he was sleeping in a room far away from ours, a single blanket draped over him as he had an uncomfortable look on his face while sleeping.

It's now night time, and he hasn't come out of his room once. Not to eat, take a shower, or go to the bathroom. Maybe he has, I just didn't hear or see him. 

I decided to make him dinner, he's probably hungry. I cautiously step up the staircase, holding a plate with his favorite food on it, tacos.

I knock on his door, not expecting a reply, but hear a very faint "Yes?" come from inside the room. 

"I, uh, brought you some food." I reply awkwardly as I stand outside the door, hoping he will open it. 

I get no reply, so I let myself in. I see him sitting on a chair at a desk, the lamp on as he's writing something on a piece of paper.

"What are you writing?" I question him, his head immediately snapping to me as he grabs the paper, shoving it into a drawer in the desk.

"Nothing, just some work I had to write up for Louis." I could tell he was hiding something, but I didn't want to press on the subject since I was already in cold water with him. 

"Right." I chuckle, "I made you tacos." I give him a massive grin, earning a slight one in return which made my heart flutter.

"You didn't have to-"

"I wanted to." I state, placing the plate right next to him. 

There's an awkward silence, but Harry looks up at me. 

"Look, if I offended you..." I raise a hand, stopping him, and also trying to not let myself cry again. I knew what he was going to say, it was about him leaving after I told him I loved him. Of course it hurt me, standing there alone after what I said. Him not saying anything back felt like I was being stabbed in my heart.

"Don't worry, I've already forgotten about it." I lie, giving him a fake smile.

The look I get in return made my stomach flip, it was almost like he was upset about me saying I've forgotten about it.

He nods, looking back to his desk, and I walk out the door, not another word spoken between us.


"Alright, boys. It's time to finish this." Harry speaks to a few of his men who I know not the names of, but they intently listen to him as I watch with Eleanor from another room.

"My mate Louis here will be leading you all in, and you need to listen to every single fucking word he says, got it?" He asks, using the deep, husky voice everyone has grown scared of, the voice I don't hear very often anymore. 

Everyone nods their heads, and Harry smiles with pleasure. "Great, now we go over the plan one more time. Louis is going to head in, you all following him. You're going to take out every person you see until you get to Alec. If anyone sees him, shoot him right away. Same goes for Sam, I want that fucking bastard dead, do you all understand me?" His nostrils flare, and I almost forgot he had this side to him. He truly is terrifying. "I'll be waiting for you all when you get back." 

After a few seconds, it finally occurs to me what he just said. I sprint into the room, pulling his arm into a side room. "You're going to kill my father?" I spill out, completely shocked.

"Yes?" He responds like its the most obvious thing. "If not, he's going to kill all of us, maybe even hurt you. I'm sorry, but he needs to die." He states, no hurt or remorse in his eyes. 

I wasn't really sure what happened to Sam, but something in him must have snapped. My father was always very hardcore and intense, but was never capable of this, who knows who he's planning to murder or who he already has. I guess when your daughter is kidnapped, it changes who you are.

The thing is, he doesn't know Harry like I do. No one does. No one understands why he is the way he is, and I don't think anyone will want to, anyways. They take one look at him and judge him, think they know him, but they don't. 

I close my eyes, not believing this. It takes me a bit, but I try to understand why he's doing this, and agree with it.

Harry is my everything now, we need to do what's best for us, including our baby.

I nod, looking up to him and seeing his eyes staring right back down at mine. He leans in and kisses my cheek softly, his lips lingering there for a moment, something I didn't expect him to do.

He reaches his arms around my waist, pulling me in for a hug while I wrap mine around his neck, holding him tightly.

We stay still like statues for what seems like forever, I've realized when I'm with Harry time seems to stop all in itself.

"I'll be waiting for you when you get back." I half smile, earning the same gesture right back.

All the men walk out the door, getting in there cars and going on their way to wherever Sam and Alec are.

Eleanor and I try to not to worry by distracting ourselves and making a quick trip to the store, buying a few of our favorite drinks and snacks and having a girls day and night.

The boys should be back in a few hours, it's around three right now and they're going to Sam's right as it turns dark.

I just hope everything goes alright and no one gets hurt.


So this was a short chapter :( I'm trying to make them short because I just have a few chapters left! How sad is that. 

I've hope you've enjoyed it this far, I can't believe how many views I have!!! Over 10,000??? You guys are amazing, I love you so much.

Thank you for sticking with it, and I hope you enjoy the last couple chapters!

I love you all :)

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