Part 32

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Chapter 32


"I am Gotham's reckoning!" came the answer, ringing alarm bells. He could already tell that they were being surrounded as he spoke, their movements all too familiar to him after years of training in similar manoeuvres.

"The League?" he realized as the man.

"Indeed, at least what is left of it after your brother decided to hunt us down," came the answer, his voice thick and grizzly as the giant of a man stepped forward.

"But no matter, we shall soon have our revenge and finish what we began in Gotham," came the answer. Bruce reached for his mask to alert Thomas of what was coming his way when suddenly, a massive boom ricked the room.


"AGH!" he grunted in pain as electric shock from his helmet rippled through him, and he felt his vision darken once more as his night vision went out.

"There is no need to tell your brother, and he shall soon learn of it himself," the grizzly voice rang out as his eyes adjusted to the darkness.

"Look at you," suddenly the voice seemed angrier as he felt a punch rip past his face before he blocked a kick, though not before another hit his gut; even through the Kevlar, it hit him, making him grunt.

"You have forgotten that Darkness is your ally and have lost your way," he shouted even as they engaged in a fist fight. Bruce hit him as well, yet the giant man was unmoved, and his attacks did not seem to have any effect on him.

"You have grown weak, and now your weakness shall cost you!" he was kicked in the gut and sent railing back into the wall, his back cracking as he fell down.

"AGHH!" he tried to get back up, yet he was injured rather badly. He reached into his belt and took out two grenades, a flashbang and one with sleeping gas.

He opened them both and flung them across the room.

BOOM! The flashbang went off, and he tried to race away, yet he suddenly had to scream out in pain as a massive steel rod was impaled down onto his leg.

"ARGH!" he screamed in pain as the grizzly man stepped forward and picked up teh sleeping gas grenade, walked towards him, and crushed the filter in his mask as he put it below his nose.

Bruce held his breath as he looked the man in the eye, yet he knew that it was futile. He would have to breathe.

"Who are you?" he asked again as blood dripped down his face, and he felt his vision blur as the answer came far too late.

"I am Bane!"



Thomas Wayne walked towards the Board meeting room with a fury in his steps as he moved through the Halls, his mind racing as he tried to think up just what was going on.

All of this reminded him of the whole thing with the League and the whole disaster that had been. He had vowed to himself that he would not let such a thing happen again.

And as he pushed open The doors to the meeting room even as the secretary rushed to stop him.

"Mr. Wayne," but her voice faded into the background as he stepped into the room filled with the Wayne Enterprises board of directors and an all too familiar intruder.

"You!" he snarled in rage, as his eyes landed on Pierce as he stood at the head of the table with smug grin on his face, the blonde bastard smiled as he spoke up.

White Knight-Batman SI (Bruce x Rachel)(OC x Selina Kyle)Where stories live. Discover now