(My AU) Viggo likes Valka

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A/N: this is my AU that I created base on a fanart that I saw a few years back 

Me: tell us who you have a crush on Viggo!

Aodan: yeah tell us!!! 

Viggo: fine it's Valka

Me: my mother?! 

Viggo: yes your mother 

Aodan: I did not see that coming well you are both old 

Viggo: watch it 

Aodan: sorry...... 

Me: why my mom? 

Viggo: she's brave, beautiful, smart, loyal.....

Me: well Viggo I never thought my mom would date again but here we are does she know you like her? 

Viggo: yes she does 

Me: what did she say? 

Viggo: that she likes me back 

Me: so you two are dating now? 

Viggo: yes

Me: so you might my step dad?

Viggo: yes 

Me: cool! *hugs him* 

Viggo:*smiles and hugs me back* 

Aodan: awwwwwwww! 

A/N: hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! :D I also have chapters on AUs I did with my friend issy5316  if you wanna check those out also. 

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