Chapter 93

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Jake froze, his eyes widened, and within that moment he felt pure desperation

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Jake froze, his eyes widened, and within that moment he felt pure desperation.

"What..." He stared at Gun in disbelief, not wanting to come to terms with his sentence just yet.


Gun stared at him for a bit.

"Private betting operation." Gun looked him down.

Jake flinched and cringed, visibly disturbed.

"How did I find out?" He basically frowned.

"First rule of candidates. No actions that could get you arrested."

"The police will be onto you soon. There is an annoying, but bright kid on your trail." He took his right hand out of his pocket. "I came to shut you up before you get caught."

You tugged on Jace's shirt as he watches with Vasco, Vasco's weight being supported by him.

"We need to leave, now." You told them. "It's not safe here."

"We still need to get Jiho's money." Vasco persisted.

You sighed and rubbed your temple.

"That's impossible right now." You argued. "This isn't a discussion, Jace?"

You looked up to the only other person of reason on your side.

He only barely looked at you, keeping his words short. "You're right."

"But.. I don't think there's any harm in just watching."

You refused the right to groan, still turning away and walking whether they were coming or not.

You tried to deal with this yourself. You tried to warn Jake. You lead Jiho to his friends. You told burn knuckles to stay away. If only they had just listened.

"Where do you think you're going?"

You froze as you heard a low voice that practically glued your feet to the ground.

You could feel him staring daggers into the back of your head as you listened to the rain hit the ground with a deafening thud.

"I have a couple questions for you," he put his umbrella away as him and Jake finished the conversation and Jake got in stance. "So sit tight until I'm done here."

Jake had unintentionally screwed you over by opening his mouth earlier.

You told him you were a part of the workers because you figured a bit of the truth could build trust. You were wrong.

And so you stood beside Vasco and Jace as you all watched Jake get his ass handed to him.


"You.. have improved."

Gun wiped smeared blood across the corner of his lips.

"I'm surprised, i didn't expect you to be this strong."

It was strange to see. Gun was panting while bent over in one knee for support.

"... You were pretty good."

Your eyes were wide open in shock at what you just witnessed. Gun couldn't simply stop at beating the living daylights out of him.

He took Jake's teeth out, each spread evenly on the asphalt near his bloodied and bruised body.

It wasn't too late to run, is it?!

"I expect you'll be quiet in jail." Gun was standing over him. "Or I'll take your tongue next time."

"And you and tabasco..." He looked towards Jace and Vasco. "Finally, [y/n] I—"

"Am I weak?" Vasco interrupted.

Gun stood straight up, cleaning the blood and sweat from his face while putting his sunglasses back on.

"I don't remember weak guys." He smirked.

But it fell when he landed back towards you.

He brushed his hair back into place, using the rain as a gel replacement. He was even more menacing now that you couldn't see his eyes anymore.

"Hey..." You smiled, not out of joy.

He seemed to mumble something under his breath as he looked around.

Without a moment of hesitating, Vasco slowly stood tall in front of you, blocking your view of the dark haired man.

But you could hear Gun's scoff.

"Hey [y/n]!" He called out to you. "The police will be here any minute."

"We'll talk soon."

You heard faint footsteps as you peeked out from behind Vasco to see Gun striding away, waving his hand 'bye'.

There were a lot of unspoken words that night. Mostly questions.

How do you know Gun?

Why didn't you tell me at the festival?

What did you and Jake talk about?

Why didn't you want us knowing?

You could tell how apprehensive Jace became on the walk back. He kept his distance and looked at you from afar. But didn't say a word.

Vasco? He was just disappointed that he wasn't the one to get Jiho's money back. Upon finding out a purple haired elf did the job for him though, he was just happy it got back at all.

You only met the little one on the way out. He seemed friendly enough, a bit of a brat though.

But despite everything, your secret was safe with the burn knuckles.

Jace was the first one to change up the story for the others.

We confronted Jake to get Jiho's money back. [Y/n] followed us out of worry, but only stayed on the sidelines.

And then he told them about what happened between Jake and Gun.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Plus, not even you would've guessed exactly how powerful of an ally you were soon to gain.


Started: May 18th, 2024
Finished: May 22nd, 2024

finals are overr (⁠^⁠3⁠^)

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