Rough Sex

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Some faded memories were playing from my mind. It was that first time he fucked me hard which caused my stomach muscle cramp and hurts. but... i like it. i kinda like the sound echoed in the room when he fucked me hard that time. It was insanely loud...

Upon studying the materials from him, I really can't wait for that day. This feelings of wanting him to fuck me like that... excites me.. I wonder how it feels.. is it really satisfying? can i cum along the way? will it be able to please me?

Getting tied is something i really wanna try. It's like a symbol of submitting to him. Unable to move freely as i wish. It feels like, "I'm ready to receive anything from you including punishment".

Getting blindfold also is a part of my fantasy. Unable to see.. anticipating and nervously wait for the next move from him. The curiosity in the chest, thinking what he's gonna do to me? and when he comes in surprise, it seems exciting. who doesn't love surprise gift? what he's gonna do in front of me without me looking? even if it is a surprise thrust, it is still a surprise..

What does it feels when he fuck me fast and deep? it is hurts? does it makes me cum? is it satifying? will i get hurt from it?

Things i need to do after studying the materials is, i need to start exercising, getting back my stamina and improve my muscle strength.. or i might tap out earlier than i should be. 8 hours seems short, but i wish to at least tick off all the list before I tap out.

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