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i was told to buy 2 collar for daily basis and training. i forgot i did signed up to be his sub. kinda reluctant to buy the daily one because I'm not comfortable wearing stuffs like necklace or bracelet.

however, for the sake of being a good girl, i will try it and see if i can consistently wear it. though it kind of hassle for me to bukak pakai bukak pakai.

i tried to imagine what will happen later but i couldn't expect much because I'm afraid with over or under expectation. forecasting stuff isn't my forte so i decided to trust in him, he wont hurt me.

hearing his cold-hoarse voice excites me. dia macam takut and kena obey feeling. it triggered my sub mode yang taknak buat mistakes. if only the timing was okay, i think sikit lagi nak mintak dia satisfy me terus tadi.

we talked about the dos and donts, redflags of eo. then, he said tomorrow he got program so i had to cancel my request. it was a bit disappointed but i asked his permission if i can do it alone. and yeah. he gave me permission tho it isnt the same when i do it together with him. end of conversation.

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