Chapter 13

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It wasn't often the ninja got a decent night's sleep. There way always something going on in Ninjago, whether that be crime or just worries of their own that kept them up, but tonight seemed different. Sleeping in the forest would be something the team would come up with on a random evening - someone would suggest going camping and everyone would agree - however it really didn't seem to live up to the expectations. Perhaps it was because they were worried about their friend, or about there being a sneak attack, but after the battle yesterday, they were all tired. They passed out rather quickly.

That wasn't the same for everyone, however. After all the chaos of the previous day, the blue ninja had a lot to think about. He usually found himself deep in thought after big battles, or even after stopping smaller crimes. Since he couldn't ramble about it all, he found thinking was helpful. Cole always reassured him he liked listening to his rants, but that wasn't really helpful when some of what you want to rant about involved the person you were ranting to.

The campfire was still going strong. It likely wasn't a good idea leaving it burning while they all slept, but what could go wrong?

After Wu explained his past with Morro and what on earth was up with that staff of his, the team settled down for the night. Wu remained near the fire since he claimed to keep an eye on it (he soon fell asleep). Zane and Nya leant against a log, shortly drifting off after Kai squeezed in between them. The fire ninja was practically a living radiator anyway so they didn't mind the extra warmth. A little further out from the others lay Cole and Jay. They found the grassy forest floor to be a good pillow. As much as they wanted to snuggle up together, they needed to be discreet. They faced each other, whispering between them before Cole soon dozed off. Jay, however, couldn't seem to get his mind to be quiet. As much as he tried to clear it and focus on something, the more strange noises he could hear from the world around them.

Jay wasn't new to camping or sleeping outside. He and his father used to do it a lot when he was younger. Often, he found himself outside stargazing on a clear night. It was a shame the canopy was covering the sky. It was also a little chilly. Oh how he'd love to be in that trio hug over there or curled up next to the fire like a cat.

Instead, he found himself staring at his peaceful boyfriend. It wasn't often he got to appreciate Cole's beauty without it getting awkward or Cole making a stupid joke which would get him to stop. As nice as those brief glances were and the little pecks he'd earn from it, he was grateful for a chance to actually look over the black ninja's features again. Just like that first night on Chen's Island.

Jay relaxed, taking a deep breath in as he focused on his partner's perfectly smooth skin and golden-speckled eyes. Those eyes were one of his favourite features about Cole. Everything about him seemed so perfect. Even the way his eyelashes lay was graceful. Jay wanted nothing more than to kiss him.

For so long, Jay had been so blind about how amazing Cole really was. The day they met, they became friends almost instantly. Despite the earth ninja being uptight and closed off, Jay managed to break down his walls enough for him to escape through. Cole opened up to him about everything - especially his parents - better than he did anyone else and even when they were fighting, they always turned to each other when needed. It had always been those two against the world. So why had it only taken until recently for Jay to finally appreciate Cole in all his glory?

Sometimes he found himself wondering whether Cole felt the same.

Everything in his head was a mess. He liked being with Cole, they felt so right together, but were they even on the same wavelength? A lot of what the blue ninja had been thinking of was about the events of the previous day and how they'd acted around everyone else. They often didn't over think it, they just said what they wanted, but after Kai mentioned the flirting they'd done in the kitchen a few weeks ago and seeing the constant glancing they get from both him and Zane.. were they onto them? It's not like it mattered. They weren't trying to be a secret really. But after Nya almost walked in on them kissing, Jay couldn't help but worry. Were they being too obvious?

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